Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Italics are flashbacks/memories


''Baby...'' Lauren mutters in Camila's neck, gently dragging her nails up and down over her girlfriend's back. ''You really have to get out of bed, you'll be late.''

Camila sighs and kisses her cheek, not moving off of the green-eyed beauty. ''I don't want to.''

Lauren smiles. She recognizes the feeling, she doesn't want Camila to go either. She could stay in bed with her all day, cuddling. Or.. doing other things.

''I know babe, but you've been late three times this week already. I know Roy loves you, but you can't be late all the time and expect your boss to be cool about it.'' She answers, hoping that Roy will cut Camila some slack for being late, again.

Camila sighs again, her body still too relaxed to move because of Lauren's gentle caresses on her back.

''You're gonna have to stop doing that, or else I won't ever be able to get up.'' she answers, leaning up slightly to be able to look her girlfriend in the eyes, pressing their stomachs together tightly because of the movement.

''Maybe that's my secret weapon... to keep you here with me.'' Lauren answers back, watching Camila smile before seeing her lean down to press a kiss against her lips. She smiles into the kiss because of the butterflies that are making her stomach tingle by the mere touch of her girlfriend.

''As if you need a secret weapon to keep me with you.'' She mutters against Lauren's lips, and kisses her again. Her hand moves up to let the back of her fingers stroke her girlfriend's cheek tenderly.

Lauren looks up at her playfully. ''Well, you never know..'' she trails off, noticing that half of her is joking, but the other half of her really is worried that Camila would ever leave her.

Camila smiles back at her, having already read the worries in her girlfriend's eyes.

''I could never leave you.''



Lauren jumps a little in her seat, blinking rapidly to try and push the memories away as she looks over at her best friend questioningly.

''Damn, you were far away.'' Dinah comments, looking at her with a sympathetic smile. ''Camila?'' she asks knowingly, watching Lauren nod before shaking her head and shaking her emotions away.

''What were you saying?'' she asks back, trying to change the subject.

''I was asking if you wanted to go to dinner with Mani and I this Tuesday. Monday is our 3 year anniversary so we're going to dinner with just the two of us, but we also wanted to have a fun night with our friends.'' Dinah explains again patiently. Lauren nods.

''Our friends? As in..'' Lauren trails off, a look of panic raising in her eyes.

''As in Ally and Troy and you. And Brody can come too, if you want to take him with you, we don't want you to feel left out between all the couples. And don't worry, we're not inviting her.'' She answers knowingly.

Lauren sighs and nods in relieve. Then her brows furrow. ''Is Mani okay with that though? I mean, I know they are still pretty close.'' she wonders.

Dinah sighs and nods carefully, not wanting to lose Lauren in her emotions and memories again.

''Yeah they are still close. You and Camila both told us to not pick a side when you broke it off with her, so we haven't.'' Dinah answers honestly, making Lauren nod in approval. She would never want people to break their friendships with Camila because of the horrible break-up between the two of them.

''She wanted to invite Camila, but she understood that we either had to invite you or her. And I think you need more of a happy boost than she does right now. So we decided we would ask you with us, and Mila the next time. We already talked to Mila about it, don't worry she understood.''

Lauren lets out a heavy breath, wondering what Dinah precisely meant by her needing more of a boost than Camila. Is Camila already completely over her? Moving on from her?

She shakes her head, knowing she'll start crying at the thought of it.

''Besides, she had a meeting and a late night training for her mission.'' Dinah adds.

Lauren just nods. ''I know, Roy told me about it.''

''When will she get fired off to the moon again?'' Dinah asks curiously.

''About three months from now. But there were some problems with the engine systems of the space ship that Barry and I still have to fix, before they can really go to space.'' She answers, thinking about all the work she still has to do for her ex to be able to go to the space ship for research.

''Hmm. Well hopefully a little space between you guys will give you the time to really get over her without having to see her all the time at work.'' Dinah answers, emptying her cup of coffee and putting it back on Lauren and Camil- Lauren's coffee table.

Lauren huffs dryly. ''All the space in the world wouldn't help to get over her.'' She answers sadly. ''I mean look at me, it's been two years and if I let myself, I can still sulk around about her.'' She adds and Dinah knows to prepare for another wave of tears from her best friend. Not only tears because of her break-up with Camila, but also because of her frustrations with herself for not being able to put it all behind her.

''Which is why it's good that she won't be in our world for a while. Literally. There couldn't be more space between two people than one of them going to an international space ship.'' She jokes and manages to get a small smile out of Lauren.

But then the sadness returns in her eyes and just a glance at a picture of her and her ex is enough to break down once again. Dinah moves to the couch and wraps an arm around Lauren gently, pulling her into the comforting warmth of her body.

Lauren leans her head against her chest while trying to calm down again. She doesn't want to cry over her anymore. She doesn't want to be sad anymore, or angry.

Though that last emotion will be kind of hard to let go when Lauren remembers exactly what Camila did to her. She will never forget that.

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