Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

''Are you fucking kidding me!'' Dinah calls out to Lauren loudly, her eyes big and her mouth hanging open slightly in pure shock.

''Honey..'' Normani mutters to her wife, resting her hand on her thigh to try and keep her from bursting out. Dinah glances at her quickly before looking back at her friend when she replies.

''I know..'' Lauren mutters as she looks down. She knew Dinah would react this way when she told her about her and Camila's... well, make-out session.

''Lauren, I love you.. but what the hell is wrong with you?'' Dinah says again, her voice a bit softer now but her eyes stay focused on her best friend. ''Have you forgotten everything that happened? That she broke your heart?'' she asks as if Lauren has truly lost her mind.

''Dinah..'' Normani says, seeing the distress in their best friend's green eyes upon Dinah's words.

''Yeah of course I remember that Dinah, trust me, I could never forget about that.'' Lauren answers softly, her fingers holding the cup of tea tightly in her hands, letting the warmth of it spread through her hands to try to push the cold shudders away that are running throughout her body.

''Then what the hell made you do that?'' Dinah asks loudly again, moving her arms up in the air in question as she keeps her clueless eyes trained on her best friend, who looks down.

''Dinah will you please calm yourself down? Don't you see she's having an inner battle already? She doesn't need you adding to that.'' Normani says, coming to Lauren's defense, and Lauren nods at her gratefully.

''Sorry.'' Dinah says, lowering her hands back to her lap, where she holds Normani's. ''I just don't understand how that happened. Last time we talked about this, you wanted to spend as little time with Camila as possible. And now you've kissed her.'' She states, not believing Lauren could go back on that road again.

''I know. I'm not even sure what happened myself..'' Lauren says, taking a few gulps from her tea to try and formulate the right words that would explain her situation.

''Well let's start at the beginning.'' Normani says, intertwining her hand with Dinah's to try and keep her calm. Dinah nods in agreement with her wife, waiting impatiently for Lauren to explain what the hell was wrong with her.

''Okay..'' Lauren mutters, looking back up at her two best friends. ''Let's just say.. that she apologized. Multiple times.'' She starts.

''For cheating on your ass?'' Dinah asks, earning a glare from Normani and a sad nod from Lauren.

''Yeah... She apologized for leaving, she thanked me for taking care of Kyano like I did, and not let her deal with all of it by herself. And she promised me something.'' Lauren informs them, looking at the impatient look on Dinah's face and the calm expression on Normani's face. The difference between the two women is so obvious, and yet they fit together so perfectly.

''She promised me, that she has changed. And.... she wants another chance with me.'' Lauren says, her brows furrowing because she still doesn't know how to feel about Camila's suggestion for another try in their relationship.

''WHAT?'' Dinah calls out, her brows furrowed too while her eyes turn angry again. Lauren shrinks under her gaze, and Normani notices.

''Honey, why don't you go make me another cup of tea? And for Lauren as well?'' she asks her wife seriously.

''What? No, Lauren is in the middle of her story. And you just had t-''

''Honey, now please?'' Normani interrupts her, and her tone of voice is clear. Even Lauren understands that Dinah better listens to her, and the woman does so as she stands up with a deep sigh to take Normani's empty cup and Lauren's half-full cup with her for a refill, while muttering quiet disagreements.

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