Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

''Baby, just try to calm down please, I hate seeing you like this.'' Dinah asks her wife again after giving her a reassuring kiss. The tears are still streaming down Normani's cheeks, her breaths are uneven and her shoulders are shaking while her eyes keep moving everywhere in search of her best friend.

Normani nods and takes a few deep breaths under Dinah's encouragement. Camila is close to them, sitting in her wheelchair and staring ahead of her. She's been in a daze ever since Normani's phone call. Dinah drove them towards her wife immediately after she called, but Camila feels completely defeated.

Not only is her son gone, her girlfriend has gone missing now as well. It feels like her whole world is collapsing piece by piece. Everything she had, has been taken from her. After everything she and Lauren went through they finally managed to come back to each other and fight Brody together.

And now she's gone.

She looks up when she feels a hand on her shoulder and stares into the green eyes of Lexa. She gives her shoulder a soft squeeze of support and moves to kneel in front of her, Clarke standing by her side.

''How are you feeling?'' she asks, her eyes scanning Camila's arms that are weakly hanging over the armchairs. She can clearly see the exhaustion on her face and in her whole body, knowing that this new piece of information drained the last bit of energy the astronaut had left.

''Empty.'' Camila answers simply, turning her eyes away from Lexa to stare into nothingness again.

''I know, but I meant physically.'' Lexa answers, earning a little slap from Clarke. 'What?' she mutters to her but Clarke shakes her head.

''Is there anything you want to do, Camila? Talk or stroll around a little?'' The blue-eyed woman asks instead, clearly focusing on the astronaut's mental condition more than her physical one for now. Lexa gives her an understanding look and turns her questioning eyes back to Camila.

''No, I have to stay here with them.'' She answers, nodding towards her friends. Normani has stopped crying and is holding onto Dinah tightly and it just makes Camila want to cry. She would love nothing more than to hold Lauren right now and get the comfort she so desperately desires.

''Okay. Look, Zendaya told us that they're questioning people here to ask if they've see a sign of Lauren anywhere or saw her leave. Normani's car is gone so the police guesses that she took her car to get away.'' Lexa tells her softly and Camila nods.

Her eyes are still distant but her mind is working in overdrive. She can't stop thinking about where her girlfriend could possibly have gone to without letting her know. Then she frowns.

''Clarke, how was Lauren's physique after your training with her this morning?'' She asks, making Clarke turn her eyes away from Lexa and focus on her instead.

''She was alright. I let her leave without a wheelchair because I thought she would be able to handle it.'' She answers. ''Why?''

''I just can't imagine how she did it. According to what Normani told me, they had been walking around here for hours and even after that she managed to drive away... How was she strong enough to handle that, she should be exhausted, right?'' she wonders out loud.

''Well,'' Lexa speaks up, ''my guess is adrenaline.'' Camila frowns at her and Lexa elaborates. ''If she found a trace of Kyano, and let's assume she did cause she wouldn't run otherwise, adrenaline could have kicked in. And that could have given her the strength to push through. But once that wears off, she'll probably collapse from exhaustion.'' She explains, making Camila frown even deeper in worry.

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