Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Italics are flashbacks/memories


Lauren jolts awake from her restless slumber the next morning because the sound of the closing door. She scrambles to her feet and rushes to the door, her heart hammering in her chest, her cheeks wet and black from her crying sessions that resulted in a lot of run out make-up.

When she finally turns the corner and sees the front door, her breath gets caught in her throat. Camila is standing there, in the same clothes from last night, her hair a mess and her face looks as big of a mess as Lauren's is.

''Camz..'' She breathes out, too happy to know that Camila came back to her after their fight last night to care about anything else at this point. She gulps and then runs forward to throw herself at the brown-eyed girl. Camila catches her, and Lauren can feel her arms wrap around her shoulders tightly while her own arms are crushing Camila's waist.

''You're back.'' Lauren whispers out, pushing her face against her neck in a desperate attempt to feel close to her again. She can't help her smile when Camila presses a kiss against her head, while tears are already making their way down both girls' faces again.

''I.. I think we.. need to talk.'' Camila mutters out after a few blissful moments of hugging each other. Lauren gulps, she had hoped that this hug could push all their problems away, but unfortunately, that won't happen.

''Okay.'' She answers, slowly pulling away from Camila to look at her brown eyes. They are showing such a clear message, Lauren can see that there's something they want to tell her, but she can't decipher what it is.

Camila sets her jaw, and breaks their eye-contact to walk to the living room. Lauren walks right after her and sits down next to the brown-eyed girl on the couch.

''Camila I'm so sorry for last night.'' Lauren begins immediately, not baring another second of not apologizing for her behavior. Camila gulps and looks down, her hands fiddling nervously.

''I shouldn't have left that note for you, I knew it would piss you off and it was just immature of me. And I also apologize for ever giving you the feeling that you don't have any freedom anymore. I really really don't want you to feel trapped in this relationship.'' She rushes out, hoping that the sooner she apologizes for everything that happened, the sooner everything could go back to normal again.

She feels more tears run down her cheeks when Camila stays silent, the weird tingle in her stomach gets bigger with every quiet moment between them.

''Please Camz.. Say something.''

But she still stays quiet. Then, after a few agonizingly long minutes, Camila looks up. She reaches out with her right hand to wipe some tears away from Lauren's cheeks, and Lauren closes her eyes at the feeling of her hand on her face, tenderly stroking her cheeks.

''I'm sorry too. I.. I know that.. I'm not clean in this situation.'' Camila starts, and Lauren's heart almost stops from the soothing sound of her girlfriend's voice. Camila sets her jaw again, waits another few moments before continuing.

''I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm sorry for getting angry with you. I'm sorry for being a slob and not cleaning up my things, knowing that you hate the house being messy. I'm sorry for everything I said, I didn't mean those things Lauren, please believe me, I didn't mean any of it.'' Camila then rushes out, searching Lauren's eyes desperately for her forgiveness.

Lauren gulps when she feels the intensity coming from Camila's eyes, the heaviness of her words, as if there's more behind them than shows.

''Please Lauren, I really don't want to lose you. You can't leave me, please give me another chance.''

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