"I understand where you're coming from. But honey⏤" Con frowned, annoyed by the shrill voice from his phone. He sighed as quietly as he could.

"I know dear. I'll be home as soon as I can. But, I can't tonight." He urged. 

"Don't worry. I'll find the perfect gift for you." He buttered his words with sugar, trying to keep his tone, level.

"Love you too, honey. Now, I really gotta go. My meeting is in 5 minutes." Con made kissing noises before dropping the call. He cursed with heavy intonations, surprising his driver. Running a hand through his blonde hair, Con rested his head on the headrest. 

Everything was stressing him out lately. The business, his on-going projects, and his life-long mission⏤everything. Even calls from his daughter was starting to irritate him.

And, just when he thought he found the perfect toy to mess with, he just had to lose the arm-wrestling match⏤and to a 13 year old boy too. He hadn't been able to get a hold of that kid ever since then.

"Aki..." The name rolled off his tongue so naturally, it scared him. 

It might have been timing, intuition, or simply luck.

But in that moment, just as Con rolled down his window and gazed at the bright city lights, he saw him. And electricity ran down his entire spine. Before he realized it, he was already outside his car, running towards the kid.

Like a giddy child excited for his gift, Con didn't even realize that Aki was with someone. That is, until he collided with the firm chest of a certain red head. Con stumbled back and fell on his bum.

"Ara~" The red head sang. "Sorry, I didn't see you there?" He added, tilting his head in fake-innocence.

When Hisoka saw the man headed for Aki in hot pursuit, his first instinct was to block him

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When Hisoka saw the man headed for Aki in hot pursuit, his first instinct was to block him. Seeing the guy with his ass on the ground, Hisoka felt a sense of satisfaction. Who the hell was this bastard anyway? Why's he chasing after Aki?


"Con? What are you doing here?" Aki queried, eyes wide in surprise. She peaked from behind Hisoka, cheeks flushed red. 

Con chuckled, standing up. The way he acted smoothly made Hisoka deduce that something's off.

"I told you I'd see you again." Con winked.

Aki (A Naruto/HxH Crossover Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now