Chapter 7: New Information

Start from the beginning

As the adrenaline began to go into overload inside of me, I felt the urge to scratch on my arms to relase the tension - a bad habit I had gotten from my father. Bridget always could find a way to stress me out even when she didn't even have to try.

I could've passed it on to Sean.

Oh Lord, what would Sean say if he found out? The familiar nauseous feeling I first had when she came into my office came on again as I watched Sean's car pul into the parking lot. Inside my head, I gave myself a pep talk on how to go about this situation. If I told him, and there was a chance I did have the virus, he'd never be able to look at me the same again. I'd be alone and single for the rest of my life, with a house full of 25 cats and disgusting cheap candy on my coffee table. The perfect plot for a Lifetime movie.

"Hey honey," Sean said out of the rolled down window as he pulled up next to me. He unlocked the car doors and got out to walk over to where I was.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you?" I asked, as I hugged him. 

"I am great." He grabbed the bag I was holding and put it in the trunk. He then opened my door. 

"Thank you." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got in. He closed my door and walked around the to driver's side to get in.

"How was your day, beautiful?" he said, as he drove off.

Do you really want to know? "It was fine. I'm just glad to be with you now," I said, smiling at him.

He put his hand on my thigh. A universal sign for a horny human being. I was nowhere close to being in the mood for sex, especially no with the pleasant news I had just found out.

"So where are we going tonight?" I asked to try to get his mind off of his sexual needs.

"I booked us a hotel for the night. Don't worry, you'll be back in time for work in the morning," he said laughing.

"Aww, how sweet! I didn't pack any clothes though." 

"No worries. We're going to hit up an outlet mall on the way and you can go crazy," he said as merged onto the interstate.

"Honey, noo. I don't want to spend up all your money. I have my own." I was no golddigger. Even though Sean had enough money to last a lifetime, I wasn't with him for that. 

"Baby," he turned his head to look at me for a second, "please. It would mean the world to me to see you happy, buying things you want."

I sighed and looked out the window. My dad had taught me the value of a dollar and I didn't want to just throw those values out. But since it would make him happy...

"OK, Sean. As long as I can use some of it to buy stuff for you." 

He hesitated and then said, "Deal."

I leaned over and my seat and put my hand on his headrest. I had to keep my mind of of what I learned about Bridget. "So what hotel are we going to?"

"The Ritz Carlton." That was one of the most fanciest hotels in Atlanta!

"How romantic!" I exclaimed, giggling.

"Ah yes. But first, we're going to stop and get something to eat at this restaurant I found."

I tried to listen to what he was saying my mind was too busy worrying about the virus. If I had it, my whole life would be over. I'd have to start taking meds, it would be difficult to find a date since Sean would probably leave me.

Dammit Bridget! How in the world was I going to hire her now?  


I hadn't noticed that I had spaced out. "Huh? Sorry..I was just..thinking about something."

Success Is the Best Revenge {Book 1} **Watty Awards 2012**Where stories live. Discover now