Chapter 15: Who is Sienna Stark? (Dylan)

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I look around my bunker. With the country in despair, Lena and I were drafted into the Military. Lena became a Medic, I became apart of the War Tactics team.

I feel shit all the time. Everyone I loved died.

Lena and I weren't the only survivors from our school. My roommate Todd was also from our school. There was a small group of four that survived. Todd, Jason, Adara, Brandi and Brooke.

"Privates of War Tactics report to the War Room" a lady spoke over the loudspeaker.

I head to the war room. I greet my sergeant and take my seat.

"We've recently discovered the cause of the Zombie outbreak. Sienna Stark. She imposed as a student from the local school, and used the science labs to mutate some sort of beast, which infected those bitten by it. Sienna's body was not found at the crime scene, so it's possible she is still on the run" The Sargent explains.

"One last thing. We've quarantined the area. Nobody is no longer getting in or out. We've got to locate Sienna. She hasn't escaped our perimeter, so we are sending out a team of handpicked soldiers for the mission" The Sargent then began writing names on a board.

Marlow, Marlene ~ Medic
Elliot, Todd ~ Mechanic
Thompson, Jason ~ Engineer
Walton, Brandi ~ Stealth
Parks, Brooke ~ Communications
Dunkle, Dylan ~ War Tactics
Wilks, Adara ~ Weapons

"Privates Marlow, Elliot, Wilks, Thompson, Walton, Parks and Dunkle to the Weapons Hanger" The loudspeaker said.

Wow. I was picked with my school mates. It's probably cause we know the area best. But I didn't want to go back out there. The area was about 100km², but capturing Sienna would prevent spreading.

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