Chapter 27: Run! (Adara)

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Chapter 27: Run! (Adara)

Jason is walking right behind me and his gun is firmly placed against my back.

It was quiet and dark. Suddenly, he lowers the gun and starts trying to put the gun up my... Rear end. I turn around and slap him. He pushes me to the wall.

"I know you fucked Dylan, why won't you fuck me" he asked.

"I didn't do anything with Dylan. Now get. The. Fuck. Off. Me!" I yell.

My yelling must have attracted some zombies because a huge hoard approached us. Jason moved away and started shooting.

"Run!" He yells. We both turn to run. He trips over and before I can reach to help him, zombies lurch on top of him.

I quickly run out to the exit, hoping to find Lena. I got out and saw Dylan's body gone and Lena nowhere in sight.

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