Chapter 23: Transforming into a Monster (Kate)

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I'm lying in the tent, staring up at the ceiling. I hear slight storing from Brandi who is sleeping beside me. Why is this happening? Why are we getting forced into doing the military's dirty work? I just want to go home. Even if that home is broken, full of lies and betrayal, it was still home.

I take in a deep breath. I would survive. I hear a scream beside me, I look over at Brandi, one of her eyes had fallen out!

"Ah I scream!" As Brandi jumped on top of me, I kicked her in the thigh and esaped her gripped. I closed my eyes as she jumped at me again. But the sound of her screaming was cut off by a gunshot. Brandi groaned and began to breathe deeply. She was lying there semiconcious. Jason was standing in the doorway holding a gun.

"Jason!" I smiled standing up. "Thank you!" I hug him. He looks me in the eyes and puts his lips on mine. 

"We have to go, now!" He yells. 

I turn around and see Brandi standing back up. Jason shoots her a few times in the chest, after each bullet she gains a step closer.

"Why is this bitch not dying!" Jason yelled. He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the tent.

We ran away from Zombie-fied Brandi, with no clear destination.

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