Chapter 20: Prime Suspect (Brooke)

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Brandi... I'm sorry... I wish I could tell her how sorry I was... We basically sentenced her to death, there is no way she could survive out there alone...  It doesn't feel right, this whole situation, I don't trust Adara, she kinda just followed us from the school, the others didn't seem to mind her, but I feel something strange.

"We should set up for the night here." Dylan explains. "There is a creek just below here, Todd and I will go and try and catch some fish. Lena can you set up camp. Brooke and Adara I'd like you two to collect some firewood" Dylan asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement and went to do their designated tasks. Now was a good time for me to confront Adara.

"So Adara, did you have any friends from our school, or didn't you make any?" I ask.

"Not really, as you know I have only been there for a month" Adara says shyly.

"About the same time as Sienna"I spits.

"What are you implying?" Adara asked, concerned.

"Maybe you're Sienna. I mean, why did you follow us?" I yell.

"What? How has me following you got anything to do with Sienna!" Adara cries.

"There is no point trying to hide it, it is obvious!" I roar.

"Shut up!" Adara sobs.

"So you admit it?" I ask.

Before she could reply some Zombies surrounded us.

"Look what you did!" I yell.

"It wasn't my fault, you were screaming at me!" She retaliates.

I run towards a Zombie and push past it, I was almost free when one grabs my leg and fall over.

"NO!" I yell, trying to kick the zombie with my free leg. But it was no use, he was stronger than me and soon enough, two or three zombies  were hovering over me. I start crying I wasn't ready to die, and the pain of their teeth penetrating my skin was unbearable. I started going faint. I think I was dying of blood loss. My vision went blurry, and finally my eyes had closed. I had died.

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