Chapter 3: The Adults (Kate)

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We heard a second explosion. I prayed that Dylan was okay. I didn't trust Sam and she could have easily persuaded him to do something dangerous.

Karla and Mandy we in front of me. Sometimes I felt like a third wheel.

We approached the library. It felt cold.

A zombie came out from the bookshelves. It looked familiar. It was the librarian! We turn around and run, but face two more zombies. The Principal and Vice Principal.

I grab a nearby bookshelf and push it front of me to block the two zombies.

Mandy and Karla had disappeared. I was standing alone, facing the librarian.

"I always hated books!" I yell, before throwing as many books as I could towards the direction of the librarian. The librarian tried to reach me and eventually lost balance. I then sprinted in the opposite direction. I had to get out of here.

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