Chapter 25: Highway to Hell (Dylan)

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Adara and I were in the middle of filling buckets when we heard a gunshot. We raced back to camp but couldn't see anything. The fire had ingulfed the entire camp. 

"We have to go Dylan, they would have run too" Adara says, pulling me arm. I follow her and we run around the fire hoping to find the others. We couldn't find them, but we kept running, away from the fire.

We eventually here voices and gravitate towards them. 

"What the hell?" I say, seeing Jason and Kate kissing. "What?" I say gombsmacked.

Kate walks up to me and slaps me. "Thats for leaving me back at the school!" She says angrily.

"Ow. I only left you because I thought you were dead!" I protest.

"Well newsflash, I wasn't!" She spits.

"Where are the others?" Jason asks.

"Brooke is dead, and we got seperated from Lena and Todd and Brandi is probably dead, she was bitten" Adara explains.

"I know, Brandi found me and then turned and attacked Kate" Jason explained.

"And he saved my life!" Kate smiled.

"AHHH!" There was another scream and Lena came running into the group.

"I'm so glad I found you!" She cries. "Todd was shot!"

"By who?" I ask.

"I don't know, I didn't see their face" She sobs.

"So you are all here then?" A voice booms a few metres away. None of them had notice the person.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Why don't you ask Adara?" The lady laughs.

"Adara?" I turn to Adara

"Thats Sienna..." Adara sighs.

"Don't be so embarassed of me sister!" Sienna smirks.

"SISTER?" I felt so betrayed by this revelation.

Adara nods but doesn't say anything.

"Good, now the family reunion is over, I can get to my business" She grins.

Sienna raises her gun. She pulls the trigger and buller enters my chest. I fall to the ground and watch her flee. My vision goes hazy and everyone gathers over me. I slowly close my eyes, the pain unbearable. 

"I'll see you in hell Adara!" I spit before my heart stopped.

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