Chapter 2: The Explosion Aftermath (Sam)

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Before I knew it, I was left with Dylan. I sighed. Great.

"Lena, Gemma and Charlie have gone God knows where, and the others have gone to get adult help. What should we do? I think we should hide!" Dylan explained.

"Don't be such a pansycake! We need to check out what caused that explosion!" I groaned. Sometimes he was such an idiot.

"But what if a Zombie comes out?" He asks.

"We kill it" I sigh.

"But what if-" He begins.

"Shut up or I'll kill you and not the Zombies!" I yell. He goes silent.

We approached cautiously towards the Science Lab. There was nobody in sight. Seems strange that there was no adults around.

"Sam! We need to get out of here. There could be more explosi-" He was cut off. A second explosion occurred and I was sent flying.

The last thing I remember is blacking out.

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