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     I angrily dialed Justin's number. I had to tell him about Jessica. The phone rang a few times before he picked up. "Hi Rachel!" he said. I told him all about Jessica's text messages. "There's no way I'm getting back together with her." he assured me. "And besides, how did she get your number?" "I have no idea." I said. "Well, she came over and tried to have me give her another chance, but I already did and I said 'no', so don't worry about it." Justin said. "Okay." I said, sighing in relief. "I'm glad we cleared this up then." "Yeah. I'll tell Jessica to stop bothering you. I'm just as upset at her as you are." "Thanks." I muttered. "Hey, we haven't gone out outside of Miami yet," he said, "wanna come over Friday night?" "Uh, yeah, sure." "Okay, great. I have to go. See you then!" "Bye!" I pressed the red phone button and hung up.


     I called a taxi Friday night to go to Justin's house. After I hung up, I checked my Tiffany watch. It read 5:47. I was suppossed to meet Justin at 6:30 for dinner. I checked my e-mail and Kelly was online, so I decided to chat with her.

Me: Hiii

Kelly: HI :D

Me: Whatcha doin?

Kelly: I'm dying my hair blue.

Me: ...Why...

Kelly: IDK.

We talked for about 20 minutes and then I told her I had to go.

Me: Oh, my cab's here. Gotta go!


Me: Bye xD

Kelly: Byeee

I logged off my gmail account and grabbed my purse. "Bye mom!" I said, waving as I opened the door. "Bye! Don't stay out too late!" she called out.


     I walked up to the path of Justin's house and almost tripped over my heels; they weren't even that high. I went up and rang his doorbell. Justin opened the door. When he saw me, he smiled. "Hey!" he said. "Hey." "Come in!" he opened the door wider and I stepped inside. "Is anybody home?" "Yeah, my little sister, but she's sleeping." he said. "How old is she? I never knew you had a sister." "She's 4." he said. "Cute." I smiled. I'm an only child and I remember when I would constantly ask my mom if I could have a baby brother or sister when I was younger, and she always said "maybe," but it never happened.

     "So, do you want dinner now?" he asked. "Sure." He lead me to the kitchen and we sat on the high stools around the marble top island in the center. His house seemed big so far; definetly bigger than mine. "I ordered Chinese before you came." he said. "Cool." I said, looking at the take out boxes with red dragons on them. We sat down and began eating. We talked about school and stuff for a while when the doorbell rang. A confused look came across Justin's face. "I wasn't expecting anybody. Stay here, I'll go see who it is." I nodded. This gave me some time alone to practice eating with chopsticks, but I soon gave up and used a fork instead. I could hear Justin's footsteps from the kitchen. "Hello Justin." a voice chimed. I walked to the doorway of the kitchen to see who it was, but Justin was blocking the person at the door. "What are you doing here?!" he asked. "Oh, nothing, I just wanted to talk." the voice said. She sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember. "Well, you should leave, because I have nothing to say to you." Suddenly, I remembered. It was Jessica.

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