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     "That's us!" Melanie leaped out of the small airport chair and lugged her suitcase behind her. "Come on, guys!" It was our turn to get onto the plane to Miami, Florida. Melanie's mom followed us closely behind. We found our seats and put our luggage away. We were flying first class and sat in the front row. I was sitting next to Melanie, who was sitting next to her mom. Behind us, Sadie and Tiffany were sitting next to a woman with earbuds on. I placed my i-pod touch on the fold over tray in front of me. I downloaded a bunch of new music and tv shows to watch on the plane in case I got bored. After waiting a long time, the plane finally took off. I was sitting next to the window. I watched as we went farther and farther up into the sky.


     We got off the plane and entered the airport in Miami, which looked almost identical to the one back home. We stopped by a newsstand to get a few magazines and some candy. Once we got out of the airport, we took a taxi to our hotel. We pulled up to this gorgeous hotel, with a fountain in the front and an ocean view in the back. I looked up to see "Hilton" at the top. Melanie's mom gave our driver the money, and then we walked into the hotel. There was a huge crystal chandilier hanging above the front desk. The place looked very warm and...well, whatever a 5 star hotel would look like. We each got a copy of the card you had to scan in order to enter the room, then we went into the elevator up to the 4th floor. "Room 59..." Melanie's mom scanned the hallway for our hotel room. "Ah. Here it is." she scanned the plastic card and opened the door. "Yay! We're here!" Melanie said, flopping onto a bed with floral printed sheets. The hotel had 3 queen sized beds. It was pretty big. I went out onto the balcony, where there was a clear view of the beach. The sky was clear, and the ocean sparkled so brightly that I squinted. "Isn't this place neat?" Tiffany asked. "Sure is." I said. It was a very nice hotel. I took a little tour of our room by myself. There were 2 chairs and a table on the balcony, paintings hung above each bed, a desk with a telephone on it and some brochures, a little sofa, a dresser, TV, bathroom, and a mini fridge with a coffee maker on top. I realized I haven't used the computer in almost a week. "I'm gonna go downstairs to use the computers." "Okay." Melanie said. "Can you make sure to come back in 20 minutes? We're going to head down to the beach later." her mom asked. "Yeah. I'll do that." "Okay, good." I opened the door and shut it, then I ran down the hall, bumping into a guy that just came out of the hotel room next to us. "Sorry, man." he said. Then he looked up and laughed. "Never mind." I giggled. The guy was about a head taller than I was, brown eyes, and spikey black hair. "So you live next door?" I asked. "Yeah. My buddies and I came down here for spring break. You know, just for a vacation." "Same thing with me." I said. "So where are you coming from?" he asked. "Woburn in Massachusetts." "Really? I live in Massachusetts, too, but in Boston." "Huh. That's cool." I said. "Oh, I better get going," I said, remembering about the 20 minute time frame I had. "Ok. See you. Oh, I didn't get your name." he smiled. "I'm...Rachel." I said. "I'm Justin." he held out his hand, and I shook it firmly before heading down the stairs to the lobby.

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