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     "Kiss me, kiss me, say that you miss me. Tell me what I wanna hear; tell me you love me." Mrs. Johnson's math class clapped. "Thank you girls," Mrs. Johnson said. Today was Valentines Day, and the freshman were going around giving people singing telegrams. Sadie, Tiffany, Melanie, Kelly, and I auditioned a few weeks before as a group and we got in, so we got to miss a whole day of school so we could go around classrooms and sing; pretty sweet, if you ask me. "Alright, let's go to...this room." Kelly said. On a peice of paper taped to the closed door, it said "Miss Walker's Room-D5." It was a senior class. At our school, room numbers that started with A were freshman classrooms, B was for the sophomore classrooms, and so on so forth. Kelly slowly creaked the door open, and a bunch of eyes fell upon us. I felt awkward standing in front of so many seniors. "Hello." Miss Walker said, smiling. She was young; about 20-ish, and was wearing a pink cashmere sweater with flared jeans and little glitter heart shaped studs on her ears. "You guys must be here for singing telegrams." "Yep." Melanie said. "Ok girls, go ahead." she nodded in our direction. "Okay, what song do you guys want us to sing: Love Me, Build Me Up Buttercup, or You and I? The class took a vote. You and I got the most raised hands, so we started singing. "It's been a long time since I came around. Been a long time, but I'm back in town. This time I'm not leaving without you." Once we were done, everyone clapped and Miss Walker thanked us for a "wonderful performance."


     A few weeks after Valentine's day, Melanie caught up to me in the hallway with Sadie and Tiffany behind her. "Hey Ray." she said. Only Melanie called me Ray, but not all the time. "So we wanted to ask you someting." "Shoot." "Okay, well Melanie has planned a spring break trip for all four of us to go to MIAMI!" Sadie said. "Yep. And we just needed you and your parent's permission to go with us. My mom says she's gonna book tickets for us to fly first class to Miami. What do you say?" Wow. "I'm totally in on the idea! I'll ask my parents tonight and e-mail you." "Okay, great!" Melanie said.


     "Hey dad." I said. "Hi." "What are you doing?" "I'm trying to fix the cabinet. It fell this morning when I was opening it." "Oh. I see. Are you busy? I wanted to ask you something." "Sure, what is it?" he asked. "Melanie, Sadie, and Tiffany are going to Miami over spring break. Can I go with them?" "How are you going to get there? Who's going to pay for everything?" "Melanie said her mom will book tickets for us." I didn't metion that it was first class, because I knew his reaction would be much different if I mentioned that. "Well, that's certainly expensive. Go ask your mom." "Ok..." I walked into the living room and saw my mom sitting on the couch. "Hi honey." she said, looking up from the thick book she was reading. "Hey." and then I explained to her everything about the trip to Miami and I begged and pleaded but she said, "Rachel, your aunt Georgia is getting married on the first day of spring break." Oh yeah. I forgot. "Well, if her mom books tickets for the plane for the day after that, can I go?" "I guess, but tell her that we insist on paying for the plane tickets. You guys are flying coach, right?" " Melanie said first class." "First class?" my mom asked, shocked. "Yeah. You know, with Melanie's family being rich and all." "Well...I guess we can still pay for your ticket." "Yay! Thanks mom." I gave her a hug. "No problem, just make sure to get more details first and tell her that you cannot make it if her mom books tickets the day of your aunt's wedding." "Yeah, yeah." I said, waving her off. I've never been to Miami before, let alone Florida. I was so excited.

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