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     "Happy birthday dear Melanie! Happy birthday to you!" Melanie blew out her 15 candles. She took a knife and sliced a piece for everyone. It was marbled chocolate and vanilla cake with buttercream frosting that had blue roses made out of 100% sugar and blue frosting balloons. I got one of the sugar flowers. After the cake, Melanie opened her presents. Tiffany got her a Juicy Couture terry hoodie (She secretly told me it was on clearance.), Sadie gave her a Swarovski crystal butterfly necklace, and of course, I gave her the pink opal ring, which she proudly wore on her right ring finger after opening it. After presents, everybody started dancing again. After a few minutes, Melanie went onstage. "Attention! Attention everyone!!" Everyone slowly started to quiet down. "Okay, I just got this brand new karaoke machine for us to use. Who wants to go first?" 2 boys went up first and sang an off-tune version of "Baby" by Justin Bieber. It literally sounded like donkeys, but it was funny and everyone was dancing anyways. Afer they were done, there was a lot of clapping and cheering. "Oooh! We should go up next!" Melanie said to me. I'm a pretty shy person. I didn't think that was such a great idea, but she dragged me onstage. "Yeah Melanie!" Tiffany shouted. "And Rachel." she added. "Okay, what song do you wanna sing?" "Up to you." I said. Melanie chose "Love You Like a Love Song" by Selena Gomez and The Scene. "It's been said and done. Every beautiful thought's been already sung, and I guess right now here's another one. So your melody will play on and on." we started singing. I memorized the lyrics already, but I kept my eyes on the screen with the lyrics because I was nervous. Melanie's voice was soft. She wasn't the best singer, but she could definetly carry a tune. I, on the other hand, had a much stronger voice and I used to get comments all the time on my singing. As a kid, I always wanted to be a famous popstar. My mom made me take singing lessons because she did when she was a kid, too, but I thought it was too hard and quit in 8th grade. I could still sing well, though. The crowd absolutely loved me. Soon, everyone started clapping to the beat and cheering my name. After the song ended, everybody clapped louder than they did for the two boys who sang Justin Bieber. "Go Rachel!" Sadie shouted. I was still embarassed, but also flattered by the attention I got. I quickly went off the stage with Melanie. "That was awesome!" a guy said to me. I didn't know who he was, but I remember Melanie telling me that he was her ex. I forgot his name, though. They dated for 2 months in 7th grade, before her current boyfriend, Cameron, came along. "Thanks!"


     Melanie's party overall was a blast. The last thing we did was play a huge version of truth or dare. I always pick dares, because I'm always afraid of people asking me personal questions. My mom texted me that she'd pick me up late a few minutes, so I helped clean up a bit with Melanie and her mom. "So did your parents get you anything special for your birthday?" I asked. "Well, they said they'd give it to me after the party, so I'm super excited for that!" "Cool." I said. About 5 minutes later, my mom pulled up to the sidewalk and honked her horn. "Oh, that's probably her. I should go now." "Okay," Melanie said. "See you Monday!" "See ya! Thanks for inviting me to your party; it was really fun!" "No problem! Thank you for coming!"

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