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     Apparently, Tiffany was at the mall again because she, too, had to buy Melanie a birthday present. I heard that her parties were huge and a lot of fun. I was excited, but nervous at the same time, since this would be my first high school party AND my first party with one of the Pretty People. I tried not to worry too much--I'm sure it wasn't going to be one of those crazy parties where everyone gets drunk and stuff; I mean, I'm only 14. But I am in high school now. You never know. Shut the hell up! I tell myself. It'll be fine. You can stop worrying now!! After Tiffany left, Kelly looked really bored. "Sorry about that." I said sheepishly. Why was I apoligizing? Tiffany was my friend too. "It's nothing. I just got kinda bored sitting here and watching you two talk for 10 minutes, that's all." I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or not. I knew Kelly was a very sensitive person. She's like a little puppy dog. Or a baby. Do something wrong, and she gets sad about it. I hate to admit it, but she can be a real cry baby sometimes. Once, I told her that her red hair dye made her look even more kid-ish and she took it the wrong way and stomped off, but that was in 7th grade. And I apoligized right after and we forgave each other in a second. Still, Kelly will always be a little girl trapped inside a teenager's body. But she was my little girl. She still continues to dye her hair fire truck red. "Hey, wanna get some fro yos?" I asked. "Otway!" Kelly's face lit up.

     Kelly got a medium sized chocolate-vanilla swirl frozen yogurt with gummy bears on top, which she licked clean. I got a small sized strawberry with rainbow sprinkles, which I finished after her. Kelly wasn't a pig, but she could eat a lot at once. "Aaaaalllll dooooneee!" she said in a sing song voice. I was just finishing up my fro yo. "Great." "Well, my mom's not gonna be here until about 45 minutes later. Our shopping actually didn't take up that much time." "Yeah," I agreed. "So what do you want to do?" "Hmm.." Kelly thought. "Oh! I know! Let's go to the kid corner and say 'hi' to the little kiddies! They are sooo cute!" "Yeah... um I'd rather not." "Why not?" "Well, they're sweating buckets from playing on the slides and they're loud and obnoxious." I never really liked little kids, especially if they cried and yelled a lot. It would annoy me to pieces. Kelly, on the other hand, loves them, and they seem to like her back. She gets along with them so easily. Probably because she's a kid herself. "Well... maybe we can just simply walk around." "Okay, sure." I said. Kelly skipped ahead of me. "Slow down!" I said. "Hurry up!" Kelly said, skipping around the mall, not noticing the fact that some people were staring. I smiled and ran up to her. I almost forgot how awesome it was to spend time with Kelly.

~picture of Kelly on the side (Ariana Grande)~

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