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Melanie caught my stare at the red cups people were holding. "Oh, don't worry about that. My parents have a strict no alchohol rule. There's nothing bad in those cups." "Oh... okay." I eased a little bit. Melanie looked really pretty in a sky blue bandage dress, gold heels, and champagne diamond studs on her ears. "Why not blue cups?" I joked. "Well, we forgot to buy new ones so we just used these because they were the only plastic cups that we could find. "Ah. I see." "We Found Love" by Rihanna was blasting through the speakers. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. I wanted to have a good time, too. "Are you guys thirsty or hungry?" Melanie asked. "A little bit." Tiffany said. "Same here." I said. "Okay, follow me!" She led the way to the kitchen, where there were liters of soda and lemonade. Tiffany and Sadie helped themselves to drinks, while I took a handful of chocolate covered peanuts. After we finished eating, we went onto the dance floor, otherwise known as her now empty living room. "Party Rock Anthem" by LMFAO started playing and everyone started dancing. I felt awkward on the dance floor, so I only danced until the song was almost over and said, "I'm going to get a drink." to Melanie. She nodded. I got a ginger ale and sat on the high stools in the kitchen. I needed to go to the bathroom. I forgot where it was, so I asked the person who was closest to me; Trevor. In fact, he was right behind me as if he was waiting for me. Before I managed to speak, he cornered me and said, "Hmm... look, it's a Pretty." "Yeah... um... can you tell me where the bathroom is?" He didn't answer. Instead, he started kissing me. I stood there, still as a statue. It took a while for it to sink in, but when it finally did, I pulled away as quickly as I could. It was no use. He had an iron grip. "GET THE HELL OFF ME." I screamed. Sadie saw me across the room and ran over. She somehow managed to pry us apart. "What do you think you're doing?!" she said. "It wasn't me!" "Is too! I saw the whole thing go down! I was too blind to see it at first, but everyone's right; you hit on a different girl every 5 minutes!" "Sadie..." "Shut up! We're done." She took my arm and took me to the front of the bathroom and started crying. "Wait, you and Trevor were dating?" I asked. "Yes. Used to." she said in between sobs. "Oh... I'm sorry about that. I don't know why he kissed me. Trevor's a douchebag." "I wish I knew that earlier." Sadie said softly. I felt bad for her. I gave her a hug, and she hugged me back. I need to pee, I thought. Whatever. I couldn't possibly go anywhere when my friend was this sad. I saw Trevor glance at us, then he looked away when he saw Sadie's face smudged with mascara and eyeliner. She glared at him. "Come on," I said, breaking up the tension. "Let's fix your make up. I brought extra make up with me. We'll have a great time. Forget about Trevor." Sadie managed a weak smile.


We both walked out of the bathroom. Sadie looked better now with a fresh coat of mascara and eyeliner. We went back on the dance floor with Tiffany and Melanie. Sadie explained what just happened, followed by a lot of "Oh, I feel so bad for you"s and "You're too good for him"s. "Thanks guys," she said. "Rachel helped me get through it, though." and smiled at me. Melanie smiled, too. It was nice to have helped someone again, and I got that warm and happy feeling inside like I did when I first talked to Melanie.

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