Epilogue 1- November 18th, 2023

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    A wise young girl once said life is in constant motion. She then began to explain how time doesn't just stop for one person, but she wished it did. Because then she would be able to go back in time and stop that one moment from happening. She thought it was all her fault. That was until she moved to the small yet powerful town of Eberly.

There she met a perfect not-so-bad bad-boy.

  They faced idiotic drama, petty fights, betrayal like no other, but in the midst of all of that they fell madly in love.

And it was sappy some could say, cheesy or cliche others would say. Some would even say they were practically destined to be together. The new good girl in town, and the towns local bad boy. It was a match everyone but the two lovers could see.

  The not-so-perfect good girl and the not-so-horrible bad boy had a relationship so complicated yet so simple, that they both knew they would stay together, no matter.

  And here they are. In an Epilogue which will show just how perfectly cliche their relationship was and is.

Here I am, Jessica Michaels. And here he is Spencer Gold.

And this is our after story.

"Emma please stop eating all my leftover pizza. I know Parker knocked you up and that you've been craving it, but I'm going to have to take away your key for Spencer and I's apartment."

  I hear my recently unbearable best friend mutter something under her breath through the phone. I wait for her reply as I continue my walk down one of the many busy streets in New York City, my high heels clicking, making me fit in with all the other business attired people walking down the sidewalk.

"Fine, fine Jess. I'll do as you say... For now. We all know that taking away a key to your apartment definitely won't stop me from stealing some more pizza!" Emma cackles evilly.

  Ugh, someone please help us all get this girl under control? For the past couple of months dear Emma Barren has been quite an overwhelming pregnant women, even her own husband can't last twenty minutes with her until she wants him to go buy her a whole truck load of peanut butter. And in our case, she wants Spencer and I to build her her own pizzeria.

  And I just blurted out something super crazy, I know. Emma Barren? Pregnant women? Her husband?

  You did in fact hear me correctly the first time. For all of those lovely Pemma shippers wondering, yes Pemma is an official official couple, they aren't just dating anymore! Ahh, I still freak out about it sometimes, even though they've been married for well over two years, and they've been dating since high school.

  But the most unbelievable fact of them all is.... It's been seven years since we all graduated together.

  And I'm proud to say that the promise we all made of staying together is still going strong. But of course, what is a promise without a little surprise?

  Of course things have changed in those seven years, take what I just told you about Pemma for example.

"Oh poor Emma, you must be underestimating Spencer and I." I tsk, a smile rising to my face. But the smile doesn't stay for long when I am unable to hide back a deep yawn.

  I can practically hear Emma and Spencer beginning to sigh already, Jess please go have some rest, you've been sleep deprived for over seven years.

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