Chapter 40- Welcome to New York

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Chapter 40

My family travelled the average amount. We didn't fly all over the world, but we didn't stay put all the time doing nothing. We were the average family, traveling to Disney World and such adventures. But there is one place I will never forget. New York City.

"What?" I happily scream and turn to look at the mother and son.

Spencer matches my grin as Mrs. Gold smiles warmly.

"That's right kitten, we are going to New York City." Spencer wraps an arm around my shoulder. "My mom set us up times to tour around the universities and colleges."

I wrap my arms around him ecstatically. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

They both chuckle as I look at Mrs. Gold. "So where are we staying? How long will we be touring the universities and colleges? Will we get to tour around the City? Will we get to-"

"I may look young darling, but I can't exactly comprehend everything you are saying, especially when you are talking at the speed of light."

I give her a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I tend to blab on and on when I'm excited."

"It's alright, but I will answer where we are staying. Since I have an office there we will be staying in the small condo that I have near it." Mrs. Gold explains as she lifts my suitcase into the back of her car.

"You have an office in New York City?" I blurt out in astonishment.

"Well, I am a fashion marketing manager of a very important company there. And I just so happen to be there quite awhile. But not lately, since I have been trying to do more of my work from home and be here for my family." She shines me a smile before we all hop in her car. We all get settled in and I watch behind me as my house fades away into the distance.

"That's amazing Mrs. Gold." I reply truthfully as Spencer brings my hand to his. "So how long will it take us to get there?"

"Seeing as how we live on the other side of the state of New York it will take awhile, about six hours if there is good traffic." Spencer says to me then leans his head down to whisper into my ear. "That gives us more time to cuddle."

I awkwardly blush, knowing his mother is probably trying to listen, as she is one of our biggest fangirls. "I shouldn't of sat in the middle sit." I mumble back.

He shots me a pretend insulted look. "You're lying."

"Nope." I cheekily grin. "I wish I sat in completely other side of the car, just so that you couldn't touch me."

"That's too bad then." Spencer points out as I rest my head on his side. "Because now I can do this."

  I watch as he leans his head down to kiss me on the lips slowly. I kiss back for a second before I hear someone clear their throat.

"You two know I love that you are a couple and all, but it is a little weird for me as Spencer's mother to have to sit through six hours of the two of you making out." Mrs. Gold chimes in as she turns on the radio.

"Mom." Spencer warns.

"Alright alright, I just don't want to feel like a weird third wheel, definitely not since I am your mom." She puts her hand up in surrender, keeping the other on the wheel.

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