Chapter 31- More Gossip Girls and Betrayal

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Chapter 31

I really hate how technology has shaped the human race today. Like how if I ask five teenagers in this school, right now, if they had their phones on them I'm certain that five out of the five would say yes. Or how if someone wants to know the lifespan of let's say a turtle, instead of asking other people, they would go straight to google for the answer. And if a person didn't know a multiplication fact, they would to the calculator on their device.

And I'm definitely being a hypocrite when I rant and say that, because I'm one of those five teenagers that has a phone on them 24/7. And sure we all give excuses about it when our elders complain, but really, why on earth is this girl on her phone when she should be in class, learning how to multiply rational exponents?

  Spencer pulls away from the kiss, and I almost fall forward a bit due to how much I was leaning into him.

I open my eyes to find Spencer giving a look of such hatred, anger, and disgust. But luckily I soon notice that his deadly glare isn't focused on me. Thank the heavens.

I follow his gaze to find a girl. She's not that much younger looking than us, probably a sophomore or junior, but I'm not at all worried about her age. I'm terrified at how she is holding her phone up to us, as if she just took a picture of us.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Spencer growls as he takes a step forward.

I quickly place a hand on his chest, making sure he doesn't attack the poor girl.

I turn back to her. "I think what he was trying to say was.... Why would you take a picture of us?" I ask in a calm, relaxed voice, when really I'm freaking out on the inside. Can you imagine what this picture could do to us?

The girl utters her words with an obvious look and tone. "Well duh. Just imagine if it goes viral across the school?"

Spencer beats me to it. "You won't be keeping that picture. And we will make sure of that." He huffs from behind me.

I fight back rolling my eyes at him. We all know who's the bad cop here... And it's not me. I guess I'll have to play good cop then.

"Listen, I don't understand why you would want to do that to us....." I trail off, not knowing her name.

"Hope." She finishes. "My name is Hope."

"That's such a beautiful name." I pause as my thoughts consume me. "Hope."

"She's gonna be awhile." Spencer states in an annoyed voice as I think he talks about me, but I'm not sure because I'm in my own world. When Hope gives him a confused look he explains. "Kitten over here zones out a lot. Don't take it personally. But what you should take personally is when I'm going to yell at you."

I snap out of my weird thoughts to smack Spencer when I see that Hope literally looks terrified for her life. "Try not to be rude." I mumble to him.

"Ignore him Hope." I take a kind step forward. "What he means is that we would really appreciate it if you delete the picture of us.... You know."

She looks at me with a pitiful look before sighing. "I wish I could, but I have to make it viral... For her."

I raise my eyebrows. "Who is this her?"

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