Chapter 4-Gossip Girls Club

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Chapter 4

  I wake up to loud sound of one direction blasting through my phone. Oh wait a sec,it's my first day of school! I'm going to be late! It's already  7:59!

I jump out of bed, literally. I run into the bathroom and brush my hair. I decide to just leave it down in its natural waves. I don't need to worry about makeup, because I hate it.

So I run back into my room and pick out a fast, yet cute outfit. A white t-shirt and a worn out blue button up shirt, some black jeans and to top it all a pair of blue worn out converses. I know what your thinking. Why is this girl wearing jeans, in the beginning of September? I know right, for some reason Mother Nature is angry at us, and making it cold out.

I then grab my bag, full of my brand new school supplies, in one hand and my phone in the other. I run down the stairs to find just Lily at the kitchen table, colouring with crayons again. Oh right, Nate left for college last night, I totally forgot. Wait that means I have to drive Lily to school and still feed her and myself breakfast in a matter of 20 minutes!

Somehow I manage to feed us breakfast in five minutes. Lastly I rush upstairs to brush my teeth. Two minutes later I run downstairs to find Lily waiting at the door, her coat on, shoes on and backpack on.

"Okay let's go have our first day of school, little sis." I say to her as I lock the door. I manage to drive Lily to her elementary school, luckily on the same side of town as North wood high school.

"Bye Lily, have an amazing day of school, find Grace if you can. Love you." I say to Lily, as I check the time. 8:20. Okay school starts in ten minutes, I can make it.

"Love you too Jess." She replies, then closing the backseat car door.

I then drive off, remembering the directions to the school, since Nate told me them last night.
  A couple minutes later I pull into the parking lot to North wood high. It was a beautiful school. It had a sitting out in the front to the left, with lots of trees to sit under. I didn't really have time to stand there and take all of it, though.

  I speed walk into the front door, ignoring all the creepy stares I was getting. What have you never had a new student?

I walk to the receptionists desk to the, that is at the right side of a huge hallway. I see a pretty looking middle aged woman sitting behind the desk.

"Oh you must be the new student, your probably looking for your schedule and locker number." She says cheerfully.

I hope everyone here is this nice.

"Yep, how did you know?" I reply, while nodding my head.

"We don't get new students often." She says smiling. She then hands me a sheet of paper, with my locker number and schedule on it.

"Okay, thanks miss.." I reply, not knowing her last name.

"Mrs. Brown." She finishes for me. "Have a good day, you might want to get going now." She adds. Oh right!

"Thank you." I say, then turn around. I then look at my classes.

      AP English-Mr. Davis. Room 214

       AP physics-Miss Murphy. Room 420

      Visual arts- Mrs. Gonzalez. Room 360

       Physical education -Mr. Bennett.

      AP calculus- Mrs. Bailey. Room 315

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