Chapter 8-Weird Walking

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Chapter 8

I let a cry in pain.

My hands immediately go to my ankle.

I close my eyes, holding in the tears.

I hear Mr. Bennett blow the whistle, stopping the game.

I fell a pair of arms wrap around my body. I squint open my eyes to see Spencer. His eyes are filled with concern.

"Kitten! Are you okay?" Spencer says in a soft yet panicked tone.

I shake my head, no.

He quickly looks down at my ankle.

"Can you try standing up?" Spencer suggests.

I give him a desperate look, but agree to try.

I lift myself up, not using my left ankle.

I then try to walk on it and i fail, I fall back down to the ground.

Spencer quickly catches me though. I look up at him and see that he is looking down at me, with concern still filled in his eyes.

"Jess!" I hear voice call out.

I turn to the sound of the voice and see Nova running up to me.

" Am I allowed to beat up that guy?" She questions, talking about giant dude, that smashed me to the ground.

I give her a weak smile at her attempt to make me feel better.

Mr. Bennett comes over to us.

"Bring her to the nurses office Spencer." He exclaims.

Spencer scoops me up bride style and I squeal in surprise. I don't think he noticed though, since he was deeply thinking about something. So I ask him about it.

"Spencer what you thinking so hard about?"

"Oh nothing, just how I am going to smash Hunter's bones for what he did to you." He states calmly as he continues to carry me.

"Spencer don't worry about it, I don't think he meant to push me that hard." I say gently.

He doesn't believe me though. "Yes he did, and he is going to pay!" He replies angrily.

"Just don't hurt him too much okay?" I plead, feeling sorry for the guy. Even though he is like 6'5, Spencer will crush him.

He sighs. "I won't even try to be nice." Spencer exclaims honestly.

Spencer opens the door to the room that is labelled. Nurse's office.

Inside is a plump happy looking middle aged woman. She sits at her desk, which is fill with tons of papers.

The nurse looks up from her paperwork.

She immediately smiles. "Hello, I'm Nurse Mary Margaret. What's the problem."

I immediately go to point to my ankle, but I notice Spencer is still holding me.

I whisper to him." Um Spencer, you can let me down now."

He lets me down awkwardly, and I notice a faint blush across his cheeks.

Spencer let's me balance on him, so I don't fall flat on my face.

"Um I hurt my ankle." I say lifting up my leg and pointing to my left ankle.

"Ah, let's see. Here darling, you can lay down, while I examine it." The kind nurse says, motioning toward the bed.

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