Chapter 48- We Saved Each Other

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Chapter 48

The shrill of classmates and friends cheering one another on, forgetting all the he-said-she-said drama, broken hearts and hurt feelings of the past. Us teenage girls, teetering on our high heels, teetering into adulthood. All the gradation balloons and gushy congratulations cards. The pride, joy, relief, and hope in each of the tears shed by moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, godparents, siblings, and all the town alike. And the celebration of what it took to get there.

Those are some of the many of things I look forward to experiencing.


Today is the final day.

And as soon as we all throw our caps up into the air our futures begin.

"Kitten, your high heels are on the bottom shelf downstairs by the door." Spencer replies to my earlier yelling.

"Thanks!" I yell back from by the door, my voice carrying upstairs to where Spencer is still getting ready.

But it's not like he takes longer than me. It's actually the opposite. I just started getting ready way before he did. He wanted to finish watching another episode of Quantico.

"Make sure you don't fall off the stage to your doom in those heels."

A voice from behind me says as I turn back around once I finish putting on the slick black heels.

"Don't worry, I've been having to wear heels a lot lately." I grumble to my brother. "I'm getting used to them."

"Well that's good, because be prepared to wear those things even more once you become a doctor. You're gonna have to dress all fancy." Nathan grins as he places his arm up on my shoulder, as if using me as an arm rest.

"Ugh don't remind me." I frown, but then shrug. "Maybe I'll become a doctor at a clinic or hospital that has lazy Fridays?"

"Lazy Fridays need to become a thing at NYU too." Spencer joins in on the conversation as he walks down the stairs of his house. My eyes roamed his body, and let's just say ladies and gentlemen, Spencer Gold has a beautiful body.

I smile up at him. "It really took you five minutes to make your hair even more messy?"

"What? Are you kidding me? I was trying to make it look somewhat decent." Spencer is about to run back upstairs to fix it when he gets stopped.

"Bro, relax your girl is just messing with you." Sean rolls his eyes as he walks into the room from the kitchen.

  I laugh when Spencer shakes his head and me and gives me a dirty look before turning it into a smile.

"What are four just hanging around for? We have to leave now!" Mrs. Gold rushes into the room with Mr. Gold trailing behind her. "Sam! Lily!"

The two of them run into the room, putting on their shoes right away.

"Seriously, why can't you all be like them!" Mrs. Gold sighs, looking back  and forth between Spencer, Sean, Nathan, and I.

"I'm already Ruby, I'm just waiting for your insufferable son to stop worrying about his hair so that we can go." I place a hand on my hip, looking at Spencer who is trying to fix his hair in the mirror in the living room.

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