~Author's Note~

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Author's note..

Hey perfect people! So, what was once here was a short author's note, that I wrote when I was just a innocent little girl so thrilled to write her first book. What I basically wrote was that this was my first book, I was a busy student (I still am..), I did many extracurricular activities, and in all, I needed you guys to be patient with me.

And here I am. Over one year later, I came back after completing this book a few months before, just to say these few words.

Not in a million years would I have guessed that I would be this person I am today. A person who wrote an entire book, a story full of life lessons, emotions, and oddly even some humour. For all of you who don't know, I started writing this book around the Christmas time of 2015, when I was thirteen. I honestly didn't know what the heck I was doing, even though I never admitted it then.

My grammar and spelling were both horrible, my updating schedule was absolute crap, and overall the first quarter of this story is embarrassing. But I'm not going to rewrite it or anything like all those other wattpad authors do, because I want it to be 25% crappy. Because, well, that's just like life. And this rocky story that you are going to read is all about life lessons.

This book that you just stumbled upon is going to be crazy, in some great ways, and in some sucky ways.

So I'm going to say the same thing the thirteen year old me said just over a year ago: please be patient with me.

I'm still a busy student, if not even busier in high school, and I'm still adjusting to everything new around me. But please, I don't mind if you find any grammar or spelling errors, please don't hesitate to tell me. I may not reply at first, or at all, or fix them right away, but I certainly do later on.

That leads me to my next point. I cannot express in words how thankful I am for all of your support, you amazing readers. I may not thank you for your votes or heart-warming comments, but please know, I read every single one of them.

I read those comments, that show that I'm not the only one that is invested in these fictional characters, when I get home from a long day of school, or am heading to what I know is going to be a bad day of school. And it makes me feel better. You guys make me feel better.

Alas, I can only say these two words: thank you.

I could've never imagined that I would've gotten all of this that I have today. I worked and worked for all this, writing well over 100,000 words. And what I can tell you, aspiring writers, your work will pay off. Today, currently, this story has over 44k reads, and I still can't believe it.

So I guess this is it for my authors note. I only have to say a few more things and that is, please do give this book a chance, and if you don't, don't feel afraid to ask me to read your own stories, I will be happy and will always make time for you guys.

  Also, if any of you would like to make book trailers, covers, or banners for 'We Saved Each Other', I will in a heartbeat, use them and thank you a million times. I will give you full credit and even check out all of your works and follow you if I'm not already. And I will give you a big giant hug through the screen;)

Well, as I say at the end of every chapter,

Bye for now my lovely bookworms,

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