Chapter 46- Me and My Girls and McDonald's

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Chapter 46

  If I was given only one word to describe marriage I know exactly what word I would choose. Meaningful. Marriage is meaningful. It's probably the most important or best day in millions of people's lives. The day they truly made their relationship with the one most important person in their life real. Where they each say their either unique or sappy, or maybe a bit of both type of wedding vows. Where they are surround by the other important in their lives, declaring they are ready to move forward with the person they love the most in the world.

  And oddly enough, I had a dream that I was at my own wedding, ten years into the future with my own important people in my life around me. But it gets even more insane. Mc

  The person I dreamed of standing with me, at that reception, someone who I wanted to move forward with, was Spencer.

"Repeat that please?" Spencer says, slightly tilting his head in the adorable way he does when he is utterly confused.

But I worry.

Usually when we surprise each other we look at each other in shock sure, but this is different. He isn't looking at me like he wants to kiss me senseless or anything. Just unsettlingly. Stunned.

"I- I had a dream about me standing with Lily, except it wasn't really Lily like six year old her, she was a teenager...." I shake my head to the side, trying to make my case as Spencer looks at me even more shocked than possible. "That's just the beginning though, we were talking about things, like how she is just as good as me or something. We were playing soccer a-"

"At your wedding?" Spencer blurts out like I'm an insane person.

My heart stiffens at the second word. Your. Not our, or the. Your wedding.

"She looked exactly like me, but she was Lily. I could tell. And it was like I wasn't really there, but the older me wearing that wedding dress was. It was ten years into the future. Or around ten years into the future."

"How do you even know that was even real? It was just a dream. And how do you even know it was our wedding? Ten years into the future and a lot can happen...." Spencer awkwardly scratches his neck at the last part.

  We've never talked about that. Breaking up later on. We've always just decided to live in the moment and only think about the future if we were sure it was good. Not about us breaking up, resulting in both of our hearts breaking.

"I could feel it Spence, that it was real. And when I went to hug Lily isn't wasn't the me sleeping in my bed, it was the me that was getting married. And when I took a step back I say her. The girl in the ravishing wedding dress, oddly enough holding a glass of wine in one hand, my grown up sister by my side, kicking a soccer ball even in heels." I pause. "Who turned around when her newly husband called her to go cut the cake with him. The voice belonged to you Spencer."

"Holy crap." Spencer rubs his face, as if trying to wake himself up from this. This is either a nightmare to him. Or a dream come true.

"It could just be a dream though," I fumble with the bottom of my hoodie. "I mean, what do I know about what will happen ten years into the future? Heck, my parents died even after we all got a warning they would in not one, but two fortune tellings. And in one of them it was predicted that the three most important things to happen in my life in the past ten years of my life since I was eight would be them dying, us kissing, and you getting that scholarship."

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