Chapter 33- Dates, Dancing, and Destruction

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Chapter 33

I was never really much of an outgoing person. Even as a child I would never be one of those spastic kids that were also eating candy and sugar. I was never one to act out in class or be the class clown. But I was not that freak that hides in the corner of the playground during lunch recess, drawing or reading. I was normal. I still am normal. I'm not a extrovert, but I'm not an introvert. I'm an ambivert. And being an ambivert has a lot to do with my life decisions and actions. Just like this new, crazy thing I'm doing right now.

When I was probably nine years old I made a list. This list was a lost of things I wanted to do. It consisted of five major things:

Climb to the top of the biggest tree at the park. That one made me break my arm.

Become the team captain in school soccer. I also accomplished that, but it somewhat probably caused my parents lives. So that also had a negative outcome.

Kiss a boy. Now that one is another story for another time. But I'm still not certain if it was really negative in my life or definitely positive.

Get a dog. Another negative one in the end, because the dog, which we named pickles, later died getting hit by a car. Gosh I loved pickles.

And the last one. Ask out my future boyfriend. Now this one I decided when I was five years old, but I reinforced it four years later still wanting to do. This one I still haven't figure out if it's another negative moment on this list, or the fist positive one. I really hope it's a positive one, because so far since I met him all that has come from him is positive moments. Let's find out if this is another positive one.

My heart hammers faster than possible in my chest, it's probably not healthy, as I wait for the answer. It's yes or no. No or yes. Those two words basically mean: let's practically end it forever and being friends will be awkward anyways, or yes you fine piece of lady I will date you.

I nervously stare at Spencer as he stands in front of me with his eyes still shining brighter than ever. And don't forget how he's grinning more than ever too.

"On one condition." Spencer finally speaks after what feels like an eternity for me. But I know it's most likely only been like a second.

My eyes fill with slight worry as I think of how he will somehow ruin it with that condition. "What?"

He kneels in front of me, taking my hands in his. "Don't be worried kitten."

I instantly smile at him. "Okay."

"Now, that one condition." Spencer begins as I look at him anxiously. "This is all you have to do."

"Huh?" I blurt out. And clearly I'm not the only confused one, because my helpers, also known as Nova, Emma, and Parker, sputter with me.

"What?" They all say in unison.

But Spencer just looks at me, as if focused on me in every way. "That's right. All you had to do is ask me out. You did the hard work, now take a seat and enjoy the ride that is me taking you on fabulous first date."

"Can you explain it more?" I ask with a permanent smile on my face. "It's not that I disagree, I mean I'm all for being lazy, I just don't fully understand."

"I'll defiantly explain it to you more if it means I get to take you on a date." Spencer cheekily grins as I faintly blush. "You see, I've been dying to ask you out basically since you first whooped my ass in soccer. But I waited and then I learned that you wanted to ask your future boyfriend and all, so I decided to leave it for now. And now that you finally asked me out, and I don't even know why but thank the heavens, I want to do the rest."

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