Chapter 2- Wow, Jerk Much

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Chapter 2

We have now lived in Eberly for more than a week and I have not yet visited anything in the town. I keep myself busy with reading each and everyone of my books over again. Including the hunger games series, divergent series, Harry Potter series, the selection series, the maze runner series and the fault in our stars. I also love Netflix and spend some time watching my favourite movies and tv shows. I unpacked all my stuff for my room in the first couple days and put up all my posters, decorations,etc. I also spend some time in the backyard practising my soccer skills and taking shots on the soccer net we had from our old house.

I am currently being the lazy person I am and laying in bed at 11:00 on a Wednesday in the still sunny July. I should really do something. Maybe I will go into town today. Maybe go to the library and take out some books, since I've already finished rereading all of mine. Or I could take Lily out to a park and play soccer with her. Yea I will do the second choice.

Grumbling I get out of bed and head into my bathroom to take a shower. 15 minutes later I hop out of the shower, and rap myself in a towel. I go into my bedroom and pick put some clothes for the day. After putting on my undergarments I choose some  black nike track pants and a light purple active Nike t-shirt with some nike cleats. What can I say I like Nike. I let my golden blonde hair that fell down to my waist down into its waves. I'll put it up later.

I then go downstairs to the kitchen to see Nate cooking some pancakes on the stove and Lily sitting at the dining room table colouring a picture with some crayons.

"Ah, so you finally got out of bed" Nate says jokingly.

"Yea, I thought I could go look around town today and go to the park and play soccer with Lily." I reply catching Lily's attention.

"Yea!" Lily exclaims.

"Okay pancakes are ready" says Nate.

2 minutes later

"These are so good" I moan through a mouthful of pancakes.

"Thank you, I can tell you like them since you took 7 of them and all ready ate 4 in 2 minutes" Nate replies mockingly.

"Oh whatever" I say back.

"What its true, I think you have like 4 stomachs" he says putting his hands up in surrender.

"It's not my fault i love food and food loves me." I say as I dig into my 6th pancake.

"Yea, yea. So what else are you going to do in town besides going to the park?"Nate asks.

"While we could go to library and wander around a bit, right Lily?" I say turning to Lily, who is also munching on a pancake.

"Yea! Then at the park I can play with other kids too and find more friends!" Lily squeaks excitedly.

"Yep and you can find other kids at the library too and play with them too, maybe you will also see them at school as well." Nate says to her as he stands up with his plate in hand and heads to the kitchen.

"What about you Jess, will you make friends at the park?" Lily asks innocently. Haha nope.

"Um, I don't think I will see much kids my age at the park Lily." I reply, well also standing up to walk to the kitchen and grabbing her now finished plate of pancakes.

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