Chapter 14- Idiot Bimbos and Betrayal

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Chapter 14

  Footsteps creak through the house.

  Spencer and I look at each other. Both of us are confused. Wait why is he confused, shouldn't he know that his parents are coming home? Unless, whoever that is, is not one of his parents.

"Hey bro! What's up? Oh..." A figure pops up. A guy, a couple years older then us says. He is fairly tall and has dark brown hair with shining blue eyes. Is everyone around here attractive?

I stand there puzzled, yet totally embarrassed. Both me and Spencer are covered in all the pancake ingredients.

"Oh um, hi Sean." Spencer mutters scratching the nip of his neck. At least I'm not the only one embarrassed.

"And who is this fine little lady?" Sean asks looking at me like I look at food. Does he seriously think I'm attractive? Can he not see the flour-egg contraption I'm covered in.

"I'm Jessica." I mange to get out without stuttering.

"Ah Jessica." Sean the pervert whistles. "Oh don't worry little bro, she is all yours. I don't go for younger woman."

My jaw drops to the floor.

And with the that he leaves the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry about him. Just to let you know my big brother here is one of the biggest manwhores in the universe." Spencer apologizes, completely embarrassed.

"It's fine, don't sweat it. Anyways I should really go home now." I reply feeling the need to not get further embarrassed today.

"Okay are you sure?"

I nod my head and give him a short goodbye. After grabbing my dress and phone I walk back over to my house. More like run so that no one can see me. I am wearing Spencer's two sizes too big clothes and covered in eggs and flour after all.

I unlock the front door with the key under the welcome mat and enter my home.
   The rest of the weekend is completely eventless. No parties, or pizza, or embarrassing moments. I stay home and relax, hanging with my two buddies named YouTube and Netflix.

  As I get settled into my bed on Sunday night I come to a conclusion. I vow to myself that I Will stay out of the news at this school. That I will not be in the spotlight, good or bad. And that I will not, under any circumstances, get anymore humiliated.

  With that last thought, I then pray that me being the pizza girl on Friday is still not important and the most exciting news at Northwood high. I already know that at this school, it won't die down for awhile.
I wake up to the blaring sound of Taylor Swift.

  I turn off my alarm on my phone and groan. For being a goodie-two shoes, school lover, I was really dreading getting up and going to school.

After about five more minutes of laying in bed, procrastinating, I get up.

I do my usual morning routine which includes shower, drying hair, putting hair up into a ponytail, brushing teeth, packing bag, and getting dressed. My outfit consists of a random plaid shirt, blue jeans, and my famous, worn out, black converse.

  Eventually I manage to get me and Lily out the door, all ready, in perfect time. I drive her to school, trying to contain my nerves for what's coming up for me. Probably some crowds of students pointing and laughing at me about the 'entertainment' at Clarissa's party. Maybe Clarissa will perform a sassy, smug scene for them. Or possibly she could put on another show.

I clench the steering wheel and roll my shoulders back. Don't think so negatively.

Soon I arrive.

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