Chapter 18- The Breakfast Club and Voldemort

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  Chapter 18

   It is weird that I'm extremely nervous, yet extremely confident? Because that is exactly what I'm feeling right now.

I'm currently just stretching out my body.  Not only does this help my muscles and tendons, but it also calms me down.

"Alright!" Coach Bennett's voice erupt. "We are just going to take some basic shots first! Then it gets hard."

I nod my head along with everyone else.

We quickly form a line in front of the net. I also quickly realize I'm not the only tiny person here. I'm just the only girl.

  I notice a boy, maybe only a coupe of inches taller than me, in front of me in line.  He is probably only 5'6 at the most.

I decide to be friendly, since hey, gotta make friends if I want to be on this team.

I lightly tap his shoulder, and he turns around.

I come face to face with a guy who doesn't even look like he could try out for the junior/senior team. He looks all of maybe a freshman.

"Hi I'm Jess." I greet, with a welcoming smile.

"Yea, I know." He blurts out. His cheeks automatically redden in embarrassment. "Oh gosh, that sounds so stalkerish."

I giggle at his comment. This guy seems cute in a geeky way.

"I'm Brian." He adds. "My parents love 'The Breakfast Club'."

"Oh right. You're named after Brian Johnson." I reply. I faintly remember watching the popular movie.

"Yep."  Brian grins showing off his braces.

Suddenly Coach Bennett makes his way to us. He has been going through the whole line of boys, well and me, asking for our names and grade.

"What's your name boy." Coach says looking at Brian.

"Brian Morrison, sir." Brian responds weakly, obviously intimidated. "Grade 11."

Coach writes this down on his clip board, then continues walking down the line, completely  walking by me.

I run up to him, so he can catch my name. "Hey coach, you forgot about me."

Weirdly, he chuckles. What's so funny?

"I didn't forget about you, Jessica Michaels." Coach Bennett exclaims. "You've been the latest talk about wanting to join my team."

I stand there dumbfounded for a second. "Huh." Is all that comes to me when I reply.

"Also, Spencer mentioned to me about you trying out for the team. I'm very interested to see what you can do."  Coach says. What is also weird is that he said this in a knowingly tone.

"Wow." I'm lost for words. "I can't wait to show you what I can do, Coach."

"Good." He states with a nod of his head. "It's not everyday we get a girl trying out for the boys team."

And with that, Coach Bennett continues down the line.

As I walk back in line, behind Brian, I look for Spencer.

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