Chapter 32- The Corner of Confessions and Couples

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Chapter 32

"You're drunk." I state as my heart beats rapidly, and not because I like him back.

"Yesssss." Jace slurs. "But we all know that a drunk persons words are a sober persons thoughts."

He doesn't know what he's saying. He doesn't know how he's hurting Nova without her even knowing yet.

"You don't like me Jace." I give him an annoyed glare. "You're in love with Nova."

"But I like you too. " He grumbles still woozy. "And I can't have feelings for two girls. And it's just so confusing. So I had to tell someone...."

"And so you told me." I huff. "You're lucky you didn't walk over to Nova's house in your drunken state."

"Aren't you suppose to tell meeee you like me back?" He asks in a confused tone.

I feel like slapping all the alcohol out of him right now.

"Are you kidding me?" I cross my arms. "Have you not been alive this past week? We are all literally still fighting, right now too, over the fact that Spencer and I are dating, and you think I'll like you back?"

"You shouldn't date that asshole!" Jace yells at me and I take a step back. His tone goes quite. "He doesn't deserve you."

I want him to leave. Now. "Well you certainly don't."

"I do."

He begins leaning forward, into territory he shall not dare explore.

My lips.

I push him away with all of my might, even though it's quite easy pushing him away because of how drunk and out of it he is.

"Don't kiss me." I squeak out and wrap my arms around myself protectively. He was going to try and kiss me. Jace Everwood was trying to kiss me.

"Why not?" He looks down at me, showing me his blood shot eyes. "You can't date Spencer, Jessa."

My eyes blaze back at him. "And you don't deserve to call me that."

"I can so." The idiot slurs, not knowing what he is saying.

Tears trickle down my face. "Go home Jace. You can't just come here, tell me you like me, try to kiss me, and call me that."

"Jessa? I thought you liked that name?"

It's now or never, with all that alcohol in system I deserve for him to tell me the truth. Since he's supposedly been telling the truth the whole time. I especially deserve something out of his alcohol binge. He tried to kiss me.

"No I don't. Why do you call me that anyways?" I pretend I don't know where he got that name.

"I heard him call you it before." Jace tries hugging me.

I lightly shove him away. "Who?"

"The dickhead."

He better not be calling my father that..... Or Spencer, either way I need to know where he heard it.

"Where did you first hear him call me that?" I really just want him to leave, but I need answers before I stay up for the rest of the night because of what he already did this night.

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