Chapter 19- Sunsets, Ice Cream, and Twinning?

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Chapter 19

  I don't know how long I've been standing there, frozen for, probably a minute or so, but it took me that long for that to process into my brain.

Jessica Michaels

   Me. I made the boys team. Not only can I still play the sport that made me the person I am today, but I will be know for this for years and years. It's not everyday you here of a girl trying out and making a boys soccer team. Also I know there has never been a girl that has tried out and made any boys sort team at Northwood High ever.

  What I'm also ecstatic about is that I have succeeded. I have shown the students and teachers here what I am made of, and that I can do anything I set my mind to. Also, I'm not only known as the 'Georgia State Genius'. I have proven that anyone can do anything they set there mind to, whether it be something big or small.  I have proven that no matter your age, gender, or race, that you can do anything.

I know this whole thing will be hard, with the other teams and competing against them, and all the attention being a girl on a guys team will bring. Also not to mention some guys might not be too thrilled having a girl on their team. Also some boys who didn't make it might want a rematch, seeing as how a girl made it onto the team but not them. My point is I know it will be a bumpy road, but I'm willing to run down that trail. I'm ready to play on this team. And I won't let down my teammates or Coach Bennett. Or Spencer, Parker, and Jace.

I somehow manage to snap out off all the thoughts running through my mind, and feel someone grinning at me.

I turn to my left to see two goofballs happily grinning at me.

Parker and Jace.

I roll my eyes at them, but grin back.

They both put there hands up, offering high fives.

I instantly high five them.

"Yea Jess!" Parker hollers happily. I think he forgot there were other people here or something, because he shouted pretty loudly.

I see Spencer walking over to us as he glares at Brian who looks a little scared.

"Nicely done Kitten." Spencer congratulates to me. He also gives a real smile, showing off his perfectly white, straight teeth.

I grin up at him. "Thanks, you too."

"Gosh you guys, I'm just so euphoric right now." I gush.

Some of them give me confused looks.

"What the heck does 'euphoric' mean?" Jace questions and uses air quotes with his fingers.

"You guys seriously don't know what it means?" I respond in disbelief.

Spencer cuts in. "Actually I do know what it means."

"Me too." Brian adds quietly.

Spencer squints his eyes. "Of course you do." I hear him mumble.

I smirk. "Okay what does 'euphoric' mean then?" I test them, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Feeling intense excitement or happiness." The two of them say in complete unison.

Jace and Parker clap for them, as they clearly didn't have a clue what the word meant.

"Tsk, tsk." I state.

The four boys turn to me.

"What we got the word right." Spencer points out.

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