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The trio shouted, looking around frantically for the rabbit. "Damn it, where did she go?!" Nick cried.

"You tell me!" Alec sighed.

Turning the corner, Nick bumped into a small animal and gasped. "Sorry, oh, Judy!" He exhaled in relief.

Judy eyed Nick, turning away and crossed her arms.

"Judy, are you mad at me?"

Judy didn't respond.

"Judy, if it's about the book, I wasn't reading porn, I swear! You can even come check the book...if we weren't kicked out of the library though..." Nick mumbled sheepishly.

Judy sighed. "I don't like guys who like to watch other animals do it."

"Judy!" Nick cried, waving his arms about. "I promise I don't!"

Judy slowly turned her head to him. "You promise?"

"Yes!" Nick assured.

"Fine." Judy harrumphed, but a sudden smile split across her cheek. "You owe me now!"

"What? I owe you?" Nick arched an eyebrow.

"Yes." Judy spoke matter-of-factually. "Because I got so upset I was really ready to do something I'd later regret." She smirked, sticking out her tongue.

"Oh, like what?" Nick challenged.

"Believe me, you wouldn't want to know." Judy spoke loftily.

"Come on, you're just scared." Nick grinned.

"I'd like you to take me out to dinner.


"It's a done deal." Judy stretched her small arm out to shake Nick's hand.

He stared for a couple of seconds, only to feel his arm becoming attracted to hers. He took up her paw and shook it. "Deal."

Alec peered from behind Nick, grabbing his shoulders and starling him. "Oh, a dinner you say? Can Angel and I tag along?"

"Sorry, no third or fourth wheels allowed. I'm pretty sure the bicycle measures are good enough for us." Nick grumbled.

"Oh come on, Nicky Poo!" Alec dropped himself on Nick's arm and poked his cheek. "Don't be that way!"

"What the hell?! Get off of me!" Nick yelped, trying to shake him off.

Judy stared a bit disturbed by Alec's touchy mood and behavior, likewise leaving Angel a bit stiff and not really comfortable.

Nick finally tossed Alec away from him when he hid behind Judy.

"Stay away from me!" Nick hissed, pointing his index finger at Alec sternly.

"Well, at least think about it, I want to come too and I'm pretty sure Angel would love to come!"

"I'll think about it." Nick growled.

"We'll think about it." Judy corrected.

"Hey!" Nick cried.

"If we're a couple, we need to think with both heads not just your head and your second one down there." Judy pointed at his crotch.

Nick blushed profusely, quickly lifting a leg to hide his general area. "Hey, don't point! I'm really sensitive about that!"

"Well that says a lot about you." Alec mumbled to himself.

"You wanna repeat that?!" Nick shouted.

Alec waved Nick off. "Nah, I'm good. Anyways, keep in touch. If you guys say yes, just give us a call."

"We will." Nick sighed.

Alec turned around and leapt onto Judy's feet begging her to make Nick say yes. "Please make him say yes, Judy! Don't let Nick be a big fat meanie! I wanna go on a double date!" He bawled.

The pedestrians were caught off guard by this awkward scenery and simply walked by disturbed.

"You're making a scene." Judy tried to hiss through her lips.

But Alec kept crying and banging the concrete and kicking his legs back and forth like a spoiled brat.

"Alec!" Judy hissed.

"-I got this." Nick held Judy back, kicking his leg back, and lunging it at Alec whose face immediately met impact. Alec flew three feet back and groaned.

"NICK!" Judy stomped her foot on the ground. "Why did you kick him for?!"

"He was touching what was mine. So I had to teach him a lesson on not to touch without permission."

Judy blushed, snapping her head to the side. "Hmph."

Angel face palmed herself, holding her elbow. "What am I going to do with you?" Angel sighed.

Alec got up, rubbing his face. "You jerk. You're lucky I'm allowing you to hit me like that without fighting out of the kindness of my heart."

The seriousness in Alec's voice told Judy that he was hiding something.

"O-Okay, I think it's time for us to go!" Judy reluctantly laughed.

Alec rubbed his face and glowered at Nick.

Nick simply whistled, rocking back and forth on his heel.

"Don't kick Alec again or else I will kick you where the sun don't shine!" Angel cried, sticking her tongue out at Nick.

Nick simply rolled his eyes. "Yes princess."

"Aye! She's my princess!" Alec pounded his chest, grabbing onto Angel.

"And Judy is my mistress. Beat me however you want, Your Majesty." Nick got on one knee, kissing Judy's hand, causing her cheeks to redden extremely.

Alec's jaw drop. "You kinky fox, and you dirty rabbit..."

"What?! NO!!!" Judy ytelped, jumping up. "I'd never do anything like that---are you crazy?! I'm a good girl!"

"Tch. You're not at good as you think you are." Alec snickered, but his smirk dropped after he realized what he said.

Judy's mouth hanged with awe and shock.

"Yeah, it's time for us to go." Alec concluded; his eyes wide with innocence and blush. He quickly took Angel's hand and sprinted away.

"That...idiot." Judy grimaced.

Nick stood back on his feet and dusted his hands off. "Finally they're gone." He sighed in satisfaction.

"Yeah..." Judy mumbled.

Nick solemnly took Judy's hand and looked her in her eyes. "Are you ready?"

"Ready for what---" Nick lifted Judy bridal style and started carrying her.

"I'm pretty sure you're tired and don't want to walk home."

"Huh? Where is this coming from, Nick? I didn't say I was tired! Put me down, I want to walk next to you!"

"But a princess like you should be getting her beauty sleep---"

"Put me down!" Judy demanded.

Nick chuckled and slowly fixed her onto her feet. "Is that good?"

Judy took his hand, to his surprise. "I wanted to hold your hand." Judy blushed and turned away...

Nick blushed but smiled at Judy's purity. "I don't mind that at all." He bent over a little, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

Judy just smiled shyly. "Oh, haha."

Sorry for the rushed chapter. I know it's been like a couple weeks since I've updated (\(Q.Q)/) Please don't hurt me. I haven't forgotten about this story and I got BIG plans coming for it next, so stay tuned!

I Trust You [Judy x Nick]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum