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Judy stumbled onto the floor, her files scattering. "Oh shoot." She sighed. Quickly, she gathered them together.

"Are you okay?" The familiar voice drew Judy's eyes to the luscious legs and the fur of her body. Angel reached out to her with a file in her other hand. Judy smiled, gladly taking the paw for support.


Angel smiled back, handing Judy her file. "Oh, thanks! Man if I lost this file, Chief Bogo would serve me as chicken!"

Angel laughed. "No problem. I'll see you around!"

Judy waved goodbye. She couldn't believe that she had misjudged Angel because of a misunderstanding. Continuing on, she passed by Nick's office. She jumped up and down, trying to peek into the window. No one was there. "Where's Nick?" Judy mumbled. "We came into work together..."

Judy scurried along, looking into each officer's room, until she had reached hers. She went inside to put the files down on the desk. Turning in every direction, there were no traces of the off fox. "Nick?" Judy groaned. "Where is he?"

The lights began to flicker, and the room became dark. "No...no..." Judy panicked. "...not this again...!"

She hopped onto the table, reaching for a flashlight. Something swept passed the door, and covered the window. Judy snapped her neck in the sound's direction. But no one was there.

"Nick...this isn't funny!" Judy cried.

Judy then turned to the other direction, where the cabinets stood. The loud sounds of the draws being slammed scared Judy half to death. "Nick, stop it!!!" She whimpered. A low growl then occurred, and Judy was out. The growl turned into a violent roar, and chased Judy. Cowering, Judy fell off the table. She hastily turned on the flashlight, trying to expose the attacker. "Help!!!" She cried. She got up, charging for the door, but the assailant grabbed onto her fluffy cotton ball tail, and yanked her up, turning her to the other direction.

Judy fiercely held the flashlight as a sword, panting. "I can't see him...I can't see him!" She wept in soft breaths. Judy's fear was beginning to manifest within her. The anxiety crept in at rapid speed. Her legs shook, and she tried to figure out which way should she go.

Not thinking twice, she decided to run around the attacker and shove him aside. But the attack slammed her to the floor, surrounding her presence.

Judy couldn't push them off, her arms were pinned. She sobbed, cringing as hard as she could, until her eyes remained shut. Judy felt the breathing of the unidentified person. "Please...don't do this..."

A familiar scent swept across her senses. A wet nose brushed against her neck, and kissed her forehead.

Judy's eyes widened.

"Hey there Carrot." Nick whispered.

Judy was at a loss for words.

"I couldn't help but notice how innocent you looked coming into the room. Did you miss me?"

Judy's lips quivered and she shoved Nick off, slapping him. "What is wrong with you?!"

Judy could finally see his face. Nick was shocked. "I already told you not to do that!"

"I thought you didn't have any fears, Judy."

Judy became numb. "I did say that..."

Nick rubbed his cheek, smacking his lips. "Boy, do you know how to slap." Nick chuckled.

Judy blushed, crawling to Nick. "I'm sorry, you really scared me...it's really not funny."

"Yeah...I deserved that." Nick shrugged. Judy then gave Nick a kiss. (Aww).

Nick stood frozen. Judy hugged him.

"I'm really sorry, Nick."

"Judy, I'm fine. Honestly." Nick held Judy's face. Judy whimpered. "Aww, why is the lil bunny sobbing when she's so innocent." Nick teased, shaking her cheeks a little.

Judy pouted, but Nick kissed her back to Judy's astonishment. "My little bunny, cute and fuzzy..." Nick sighed. Judy smiled, and giggled, wiping her tears.

Nick then pushed Judy back, to get a good look at her face. Judy stared into Nick's eyes. "What?"

Nick remained silent. He shook his head, getting up. "Anyways, let's turn on the lights, before something happens, and then your parents might really come and get me killed." Nick turned on the lights.

Judy cocked her eyebrow. "Okay...?" She laughed. "Well, I did get a pretty good scare."

"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to see if you'd change."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, if you'd be scared or not."

"Of what?"

"The dark."

Judy rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, I know. It's cheesy." Nick sat at the desk as Judy followed.

"Seriously...never do that again." She demanded.

Nick smiled. "I'll try and promise that. No promises will be kept though."

"It better be kept or else."

"Or else what?"

Judy growled. "I don't know, I gotta think of something!"

"Think of 'bed.'"

Judy's jaw dropped. "You're so disgusting!"

"Couldn't hurt to make a joke come true."

"Gross!" Judy cried, scooting away from him.

"Aww, don't run away, Carrot! My side is so lonely and empty now!"

Judy laughed and ignored him, beginning to examine her files. "If you say so."

Nick scooted over to Judy, placing his paw on hers. Judy wouldn't look, but continued to smile.


She stopped to look up at him. Gazing into each other's eyes they lean in and gave a kiss.

"Hi guys!!!" Benjamin swarmed into the room with papers.

Judy and Nick's eyes opened wide, and they pulled away, blushing profusely. Nick's cheeks were extremely red and he brushed his face with his hands, and covered them.

"Woah, did you guys just...kiss?"

Judy drew a blank.

"Ahhh!!! Shut up, shut up shut up!" Nick wailed.

Benjamin bit into his donut. "Aww, Nick is so shy now! What happened? Did having a witness see you kiss Judy make you feel embarrassed?"

"Shut up! Go away!" Nick begged. "You just killed the mood!"

"I saw what you were trying to do through the window!" Ben announced.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Judy asked curiously.

Nick begged Ben to stop talking. But he wouldn't stop! "He was just about to reach for your fluffy tail.

"What.....?" Judy asked loss.

Nick picked up a book and threw it at Benjamin. Benjamin quickly shut the door, and opened it back up. "Hey! That's considered as assault! You can be sent to prison for that!"

"You send me to prison; I'll send you to hell!" Nick spoke angrily.

"Okay, okay! I'm sorry!" Ben cried. "Judy, your parents are here. They said they wanted to speak with you."

"Wait, what?" Judy stood up, puzzled.

"They wanted to uh...make amends with you, something like that."

"Amends...oh." Judy stared at the ground and clenched her fists. Nick noticed, hopping down from his seat, placing a hand on her shoulder.

He looked up at Benjamin. "We'll be there."

Ben nodded, taking his leave.

I Trust You [Judy x Nick]Where stories live. Discover now