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Hey guys, sorry I didn't make an update like I promised I would! I owe you guys so many chapters, and being that school started I've been slacking so hard! I will work to provide more updates ASAP! Please keep tuned, and don't forget about this story! <3

Nick picked Judy up, carrying her out of Alec's room. Alec grinned at Judy, as she slowly turned her head to glance at him.

"I don't approve of them." Alec muttered with a sinister look.

Nick settled Judy on the couch in the living room. He sighed, cupping his paw on her forehead. "Gosh, you're still heating up."

Judy cringed, trying to swallow. Her throat was terribly sore. "My throat is so sore..."

"Hold on." Nick got up, peeking through the bedroom door. "Do you have some salt I can use?"

"Oh yeah, sure." Alec got up and strolled to the kitchen, pulling out some sugar, holding it out in one hand.

Nick reached out for it, only to realize what it was, jerking his hand back. "Are you kidding me?"

"Now, now, calm down." Alec dug his head through the cupboard, pulling out the can of salt. He tossed it behind him, as Nick caught it.

Nick rummaged through the cupboards for a cup, pouring some salt into it and then leaked warm water from the tap into it.

He took a spoon, stirring it and shuffled over to Judy, sitting her up. "You're gonna have to come to the sink to gargle this."

Judy leaned over to sniff and gagged. "Is this salt water?"

Nick nodded. "Come on."

Judy groaned, getting up, and slowly made her way to the kitchen sink with Nick's support.

Nick gave Judy a sip and she took a mouthful, gargling it, and spat it out. "Gosh this is disgusting..."

Nick chirped along, feeding her more. "Come on, just keep doing it."

Judy groaned even more, continuing the nasty process. It wasn't the salt that was disgusting. It was the fact that Judy had to continuously take in heaping amounts of it that made her feel even more nauseous.

After finishing the process, Judy's throat was less tense that before.

"Does your throat feel more soothing?" Nick questioned.

Judy nodded.

Nick helped her back to the couch and sat with her.

Carrie sat down with her leg crossed over the other. She sighed, closing her eyes, and folded her arms. "So now what? Judy is here, the gang is here..."

"We're going home."

Carrie's eyes shot open. "You're what?" She gasped. "In the middle of a hurricane?"

"I don't want Judy to be here." Nick growled. "Not anymore."

Carrie didn't know how to even counter his statement. "Well you can take her home, after the storm is clear. You're most definitely not going to take her out in the middle of a freaking powerful wind, while on top of that she's sick Nick."

"Well you know what? I think it'd be best if she were in her own bed rather staying in a stranger's house."

"Why don't you learn to think about her?" Carrie snapped.

Nick paused for a brief second, recalculating what he just heard. He turned his head to Carrie with shock and disgust. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, I said it. Because in all honesty, when you complain to me about your 'relationship issues', it seems clearer to me that you're mostly---if not always talking about how you feel about the matter. How about how she feels, huh?"

Nick shook his head, turning back to Judy. "Just shut up...you're being quite annoying right now."

Offended by his statement, Carrie puckered her cheeks in anger. "You know what? I feel bad for you Nick." She whispered enough for him to hear. "Because when something happens, it's going to be because of your negligence you let something bad happen."

And with that, she got up and exited the apartment, pissed off.

Angel didn't like where anything was going, and she decided to chase after her, shutting the door tight.

Alec strolled over to the couch, resting his arms on the neck and rested his chin in his paw. "You know, you can always sleep in my room with her if you feel that she's that unsafe with me. Or, you can go home as soon as the hurricane ends---"

Nick got up and snatched onto Alec's collar, baffling him. Stray tears revealed itself from his eyes, illuminating how fierce Nick was. "I swear to God...if I ever hear that you've done something to her..."

Alec saw the sincerity in Nick's eyes, and for some reason, at that point, something came over him.


The door slammed open. "GUYS PLEASE! I NEED YOUR HELP!"

Nick and Alec turned their heads.

"Angel...Angel she..." Carrie fell to her knees and began to cry in panic.

Alec snapped out of his trance and sprinted over to Carrie, kneeling. "What happened?!" He freaked.

"Angel, she..."

"SHE WHAT?!" Alec yelled in frustration.

"I ran outside, and she tried to stop me but... when I turned around, I pushed her away from me, and then...this large debris just came out of nowhere, and she took the hit for me...and when I opened my eyes, she was gone!"

Alec's eyes widened in fear. "Damn it!" He ran to his room, picking out his rain coat and boots, shoving them on quickly and fled outside.

Nick couldn't help but look at Judy and grit it teeth.

"Carrie, watch over Judy." Nick got up, running to pick up his coat and boots and forced them on hastily, following Alec out.

Carrie's eyes were full of tears, and she got up running to the door, sticking her head out.

"But Nick...!"

"Just watch over Judy, and make sure nothing happens to her!"

Carrie blinked, shutting the door tight, and ran over to Judy, checking her temperature.

It was too bad that Judy fell fast asleep after her encounter with the salty fluid.

Carrie sighed to herself. "I'm sorry Nick..."

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