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Judy was more confident than ever that Nick was strong against the pulling motion of Angel. She likewise began to take pity on the girl after hearing about her family crisis. Judy could most definitely relate to her. Her parent's rejection, misunderstandings and annoying arguments, Judy couldn't help but want to try to get to know Angel.

Noticing that Angel and Nick were sitting together in a different room, Judy pushed her emotions aside and approached them. She knocked on the door, coming in. "Hey guys."

Angel and Nick looked up at her. "Hey, Carrot, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine. I just wanted to check up on you both." Judy pulled a chair over to where Nick was sitting and sat with him.

"Well, I'm teaching Angel how to scan for evidence that are available." He gave her a card. "Just scan this card into the machine, and it will tell you what evidence is available for that particular case."

"Okay." Following instruction, Angel took the card and cautiously placed the card on the machine, which scanned it and popped up a screen of results.

"See? Pretty simple right. Technology." He chuckled.

"Yeah, it is!" Angel smiled amused.

Judy stared at Angel and smiled. I guess she isn't as bad as she seems.

"Hey, do you mind if I talk to Angel in private for a bit?"

Nick and Angel broke off their conversation.

"Hmm?" She looked a bit confused.

"What's wrong Carrot, did something happen?"

"Oh, no! I just...wanted to just talk to her briefly about something." Judy explained.

Nick turned to Angel, back at Judy. "Well, okay. Go right ahead." He stood from his seat, taking his leave out of the room. "But don't take too long, because Chief Bogo will be coming here any minute to check up on us."

"Don't worry, I won't take long." Judy assured.

Hearing the door shut, Judy scooted over to Angel, who simply arched an eyebrow at her. "So...about your family."

"What about them?" Angel asked defensively.

Judy fiddled her thumbs. "Well, I can relate to your emotions. I had to go through the same issues about three weeks ago..."

Angel gasped. "Really???"

Judy rubbed her arm. "Yeah...it really wasn't a pretty sight. But anyways, I'm not going to go into depth about what I did and what they did...I'm just saying that, if you need someone to talk to about your family problems, you can come to me, if you don't mind."

"Are you serious?" The glint in Angel's eyes perceived her to be really touched by Judy's offer.

"Yeah, honestly. In the ZPD, we look out for each other." Judy stretched her arm out. "What do you say?"

Angel looked down at Judy's paw, back at her face. She slowly took her hand and shook it. "Okay. Thanks a lot."

"Anything for a friend." Judy smiled.

Judy noticed how shocked Angel was when she called her a friend. Judy got up, running backward to the door. "Well, I'll just let you and Nick get back to it. I'll see you guys later!" Judy waved goodbye, opening the door.

Nick was leaning on the wall with his hands dug deep in his police pockets. His eyes were closed and he just stood there. Judy stepped in front of him. Before she was able to say something, Nick took her by her chin, and hushed her. "Shh...don't say anything."

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