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WARNING: more sexy time yikes. Forgive me, for I have sinned.

Emily's POV

Jynx had to sneak in whenever she came over. It was annoying and tedious but worth it. Contrary to popular belief, I do love her. I can't say that it's all there anymore, but she's home. She's safe and reliable, much more than I am, and I am not willing to give her up.

Sure, my mother's giving me hell for it. She knows that Jynx is somehow still seeing me, and she's tried to catch us multiple times. Funny enough, the worst she's seen is me eating pizza rolls in my room. I got yelled at for it, but it's better than her catching me kissing Jynx!

Sometimes, I think my mother hates me. A part of her wants me to just be normal. She wants her suburban white mom life to rub off on me, but it's just not possible. I try to show respect and be a good girl, but I'm not going to bow down to her because I'm bisexual. Certainly not because she hit me either!

Frankly, seeing Jynx is a reminder of my strength. I can't let her go. Although my feelings for her are irresolute with Hunter in mind, she's everything I want to be.

"Give me a hand, will you?" She chuckled, trying to reach her body into my bedroom.

I grabbed her small hands and yanked her out of the window. She collapsed on my floor, and I fell with her. We both laughed like kids.

"You're welcome, punk!"

"Who are you calling a punk?" She asked, pointing to my ripped black jeans. I just bought them, and she hasn't stopped giving me crap about them.

I replied, "Are you jealous that I'm more edgy than you are?"

She smirked. "Excuse me, but aren't I the one with the lip piercing and dyed silver hair?"

She propped herself up onto her elbows and leaned her head towards me for a kiss.

"You call that silver? Looks gray to me," I sassed, but I obeyed her kissing demands.

Our lips met briefly. I could feel the cool lip ring against my own lips as they touched, but she reluctantly pulled away for a second. A second that felt like a minute. Indolent, she fell back onto the floor with a sigh of relaxation.

"I miss this. I miss sneaking into your room and stealing kisses from you," she whispered, more to herself than to me.

"Then do it more."

She rolled onto her back and looked up at me. Her hands rested on her stomach, but I wished they were in my hands.

"You're too busy hanging out with Hunter," she grunted.

Oh, this again. Honestly, I dodged a bullet last time. I can't believe Elaine was such a damn bitch, and she still is all the time, but she really almost ruined things between Jynx and me. It sucked. Yeah, I was being a dick, but I understand my mistakes. I said I loved Hunter, and I kissed him. It's bad. I get it, but it's done!

"Please don't do this to me again," I begged.

Her resting bitch face frightened me. "Then please don't fuck with him again."

"I'm not. I've made mistakes, but it's over with," I insisted. It was hard to say, though. I had strong feelings for Hunter.

She sighed. "You promise?" She asked with askance. In fact, she almost said it without interest.

"Yes," I lied through my teeth.

However, she immediately got up and scooted up to me. I slid my legs straight in front of me, and she sat on my lap. Her hands rested on my cheeks, and she looked down at my lips. Her eyes were bright. I couldn't decide whether to look at them or at her lips. Eventually, she didn't give me a choice.

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