The Beginning.

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At some point I finally fell asleep.  It wasn't very good sleep.  But sleep nonetheless.  My back was aching and my dreams were more like visions than actual dreams.  Sam looked back on me when he woke up to my groaning.  Dean and him switched off driving so that Dean could get some sleep.

"She okay?" Dean asked.

"Dean, stop.  Please, I never lied," my voice quivered as I rolled over.

"I have a lot of work to do to get back in her good graces, I guess."

"She really doesn't hate you.  I think she's just dreaming," Sam added.

"I hate that I did that to her," Dean admitted.

"I know.  She knows that.  Just get some rest."

War.  I was surrounded by fighting.  The angels in the fight passed through me.  I saw Castiel in the distance.  He was fighting someone.  This was insane.  Brothers and sisters fighting to take God's place.  This isn't what he wanted.  Was it?  Is this why he wanted me to come back?  To fight more?  My teeth grit together as I walked toward Cas.  Was that Raphael?

"I don't want to fight you, brother," Raphael said, "so why don't you just kneel down about bow your allegiance to me?"

Dumb move, Raphael.  Your just going to piss Cas off more.  Cas grit his teeth while their blades clashed once more.

"Or perhaps, is it your weakness is back on earth?  Don't think no one noticed her return."

"Don't you dare-" Cas started.

"Pledge your allegiance!"

Heat was rushing through my body.  My back was aching as it felt like it was ripping open in two spots.  I screamed out as Cas and Raphael had suddenly looked at me even though I wasn't even there.  Two wings made of fire extended from my back.  The flames wore off as two smoldering wings were left in its place.  They were a deep hue of my favorite color.  And the size of them were much larger than I expected.  The battlefield stopped as all eyes were suddenly on me.  I looked around nervously as they started walking toward me.  My body collapsed onto the ground.
I screamed while opening my eyes.   The car swerved as I had frightened Sam.  Dean shot up as I shook Sam's shoulders.

"Stop the car," I demanded.

"What? Why?"

"Now!  Unless you want this car to be ripped apart."

"You heard the lady,  Sam, pull over," Dean chimed in.

The car stopped as I stumbled into the field we were stopped by.  The boys tried to follow but I moved my hand back stopping them in their place.  I fell onto the ground.  My hands dug into the dirt.  The pain became unbearable.  A light begun to shine on the two spots of my back.  Just like the vision I had two large wings covered in flames lit up the darkness.  A flapping brought Castiel to the boys' side.

"The hell is happening,  Cas?" Dean asked.

"She's getting wings.  I thought that was clear, Dean," Cas responded.

The fire receeded as two large wings spread out from my back.  They shimmered a dark hue of my favorite color.  The way they shine made the feathers almost look metallic.  I stood up as they retracted and eventually faded away into my vessel.  I turned around to see all three staring in awe.  Cas came to see me?  The boys were free to move again as I fell onto my knees.  I sat there staring at the ground.  It hurt so bad.  Cas appeared in front of me.

"Why did you project yourself there?" he asked.

"I fell asleep, I thought I was dreaming," my head was aching.

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