The Life I Chose.

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It was actually a hard decision for me to make.  Here I'd get to move on and see my family again.  But to go back, what was life going to be like?  Dean hated me, I mean he killed me.  Sam and Bobby would probably be okay with me.  But Cas.  What as the
point of going back to him in a world that was so painful?  There would always be demons, and fighting.  And how I absolutely disliked fighting.  But there was Cas.  He was worth every ounce of trouble.  Losing memories, killing the last of my clan,  even dying.  I was glad to do all of it.  I wouldn't have changed a thing.  So what to do, stay here in peace or go back to that mess on Earth?

"Alright, I have made up my mind, but there's one thing I would really like to do.  Before I go back," I answered with a smile.

"For all that you've done, just name it," Chuck replied.

Three years had passed on Earth.  It barely felt like any time had passed at all in heaven.  Coming back was a little painful, but I got to keep my memories this time.  I found myself standing in a small town.  I wasn't quite sure where I was.  There was a diner nearby.  I could use some food.  And new clothes these were pretty beat up.  I found an ATM and looked around before touching the pin pad.  It immediately spat out some cash.  I grabbed it and went to the nearest clothing shop.  There wasn't much I really cared for.  But I found a pair of jeans and a shirt that fit my taste.  I paid and took the bag of clothes.  Before anything I needed a shower.   A young man directed me to a nearby motel.  I paid with cash and gave a fake name.  It was the same routine as when I was out looking for a way to get Cas' memories back.  Right back into the game as soon as I get back.  I stripped off the clothes I was wearing.  My hand turned the nozzle and waited a moment for the water to warm up.  I jumped under the water and felt the warmth run down my body.  The grime washed from my body.  My hand touched the spot in which Dean had landed the killing blow on me.  My skin was smooth as if nothing had cut through me there.  It was weird.  I washed off, got out of the shower and pulled on my new outfit.  Now that I had cleaned up it was time to get some food.  I walked out of the motel room.  It was beautiful weather today.  By the judge of the foliage around it was late spring.  There was a small newspaper box by the main office.  I looked at the date and gulped.

"I have been gone three years?!" I exclaimed, "I have no idea what I am supposed to do now."

My hands ran through my hair as I started down the street.  It was a half mile walk to get back to the diner I saw earlier.  I pushed the door to the diner open as I was immediately hit with the aroma of breakfast.  I was practically drooling over myself.  I sat down and looked over the menu.  The waitress just stared as I ordered almost everything on the menu.  It wasn't really that much, but a lot to warrant an odd look from her.  I took a sip of the coffee I ordered.  The bell on the door jingled as it opened.  Shivers ran down my spine as I heard the pair of voices that came in.  I couldn't bear to look over I already knew who it was.  And just my luck they were sat behind me. I kept my head down hoping they wouldn't notice me.

"Dean," I heard Sam say, "we have been everywhere.  If he doesn't want to be found he won't be."

"But he came when you called him, not me.  He's just being petty now."

"You killed _____, what did you expect?  He really cared for her."

"I told you.  I don't know why I did it.  My mind wasn't right.  I felt like I was in the passenger seat and-"

"Now Crowley has freed that thing.  And everything is a complete mess. The only person who could stop it is-"

"Whatever.  I'm heading to the bathroom get me the special."

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