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Dean returned after a few hours. Sam had been pacing around the hotel calling him. He noticed his brother stumble to the door. The door pushed open, Dean walked inside and fell onto one of the empty beds.

"Dean, I have been calling you," Sam said.

"I know, I've been ignoring you," he responded, "where is the weird chick?"

"She disappeared. Like Cas, just gone."

"Call Cas," he said.

Dean tossed his phone toward Sam, but it landed on the floor. Before Sam could reach it Cas reappeared in the room. He looked around to see ____ was nowhere to be found. Dean was passed out on the bed. Cas grit his teeth turning to Sam.

" I told you not to let her out of your sights," he sighed.

"Cas, I know, she just...disappeared, like you."

He looked around the room. Before asking Sam to show him where it happened. He stepped outside. There was no trace of her. Cas closed his eyes awaiting a prayer, or anything. There was only silence. Footsteps came up behind him. He spun around to see a lesser demon standing there. Sam walked toward the demon, but Cas held out his hand. Sam stopped right behind Cas.

"Where is she?" Cas asked a hint of anger in his voice.

"She is in good hands. Crowley is just talking with her," the young girl smirked.

"She has no information to give you."

"I wouldn't be so sure. Crowley doesn't want information anyway. We can all agree another fight between good and evil will happen. You Holy rollers are so petty, we could use her on our side this time around."

Cas appeared behind the demon and grabbed her head. He dug through what knowledge she had. But before he could smite the demon the head of the young girl flung back as a cloud of smoke erupted from her mouth.

"Cas, what's going on?" Sam asked.

"They have her. Somewhere I can't go. The place is covered in repelling sigils."

"I need to ask you two a favor."

"We will go as soon as Dean wakes up."

"I can't go in, but I will meet you there."

He told Sam where to go and was gone. He arrived outside of the warehouse the next state over. Although Dean and Sam knew he was no longer a part of heaven, that he had fallen weeks ago, he didn't want to burden _____. He was running low on grace since being cut off from heaven. But he wanted to be there. She was a fighter and even if it killed him, he would protect her.

When I came to I was strapped to a chair. I couldn't move as I immediately began to struggle. Footsteps echoed through the room. I looked up to see the man who tricked me. At the time I didn't know it, but we had met years ago. He smirked and sat at a chair next to a table. On the table were some tools. I knew something bad was going to happen.

"Been awhile, darling," he said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh?" he looked my face over carefully before smiling, "oh, oh this is too good. You've forgotten everything?"

"I know what I need to know."

He picked up a knife brandished with symbols. Slowly he started towards me.

"I made this just for you. The deity who killed so many friends of mine. You will regret ever joining this fight. And by the end of this, you will be serving me," he grinned.

Shattered Memories.  (Castiel x reader) Where stories live. Discover now