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I slept like the dead that night.  In the morning I heard shuffling as I started to wake up.  My body ached everywhere.  I groaned while sitting up.  A glass of water and Tylenol were shoved into my view.  I looked up to see Sam hovering over me.

"Hey, ____,  how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Was I drinking last night?  My head is pounding," I groaned.

"I should hope you weren't."


"You know."

"Oh, because of the injuries?"

"What are you talking about?"

I lifted my shirt a bit.  My stomach was hurting.  Sure enough there was a patched up gash just under my belly button.  Sam's eyes widened.

"Where were you?  We came back and you were gone."

"What are you talking about?"

"Two nights ago you appeared in Bobby's kitchen bloody and incoherent.  Where is Cas?" his voice suddenly becoming panicked.


"Cas. Castiel, angel of the Lord, super awkward."

"Sam, are you feeling alright?  I have never met anyone with that name," I paused, "oh this is a joke, huh?"

"No, it's not.  And if you're joking it is not funny."

His hands grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.  He was scaring me.  Sam never acted like this.  I brushed his hands off of my shoulders.

"Where is Dean?" I asked.


I stepped out of bed and fell right over, but Sam caught me.  The temporary stitches in my stomach came undone.  My hand pressed against the wound as I stood up.

"Come on, don't push yourself, ____," he begged.

"Sam,  I'm not even sure you are you right now.  Everyone knows angels don't exist.  So who are you?"

"Listen, you came back here injured.  Let me just get you some breakfast and we will talk about this."

"A-alright," I didn't remember much else before waking up just now.

My mind ran through memories as Sam walked off.  I could hear him and the others talking downstairs.  I took another look at the damp wound on my stomach.  I grabbed a nearby towel and pressed it against the wound.  Something flickered in the back of my mind.  A feeling of something warm wrapped around me.  A figure clawed there way to the front of my brain.  Just before I could remember.  Knock knock.  A hand hit against the door twice.  There stood Dean.  Sam poked around behind him.  He set down a bowl of cereal near me.

"How are ya feeling?" he asked.

"I'm fine.  Will you tell me what's going on? Sam's messing with me again."


"Something about angels, we all know they aren't real."

"So you don't remember Cas?"

"No...should I?  You guys are really freaking me out."

"You must have lost your memory.  You were hurt pretty bad."

"What?  What the hell happened?  Can you explain it?"

Dean made up a story.  Something about them hunting.  I was injured badly and then I disappeared.  In an instant my body was somehow transported back to Bobby's house.  He found me bloodied and barely conscious.

Shattered Memories.  (Castiel x reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora