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Cas was gone, I had left and Bobby stood very confused as to what had just happened. I hadn't really been exercising my abilities. The travel alone took nearly all my energy. I returned to my home, the place I had spent so many years of my life; the well I had been at only hours earlier. Don't misunderstand me. I did not really care one way or the other about my father. But it was not Cas' or anyone else's place to take his life. Not after everything he did. That right belonged to me. My father's den was not far from here. So I decided to walk in that direction. The whole way I thought about Cas working with Crowley. How could he even consider that? They were after the key that kept the Caoranach contained. She was the mother of every unholy being in my culture. To pass that over to Crowley would be insane. I just couldn't understand why he would do this. And now this pitted him and I against each other. It was about half an hour, maybe a bit longer, when I got to where my father resided. Although I hoped that I would be able to get there while I was asleep. I was wrong. He knew I was coming. He stood with his hand on the hilt of the sword that should have taken my life centuries ago.

"How did you escape?" his voice boomed.

"I guess I am more powerful than you remember," I lied knowing well it was only because of Cas.

"What are you here for?"

"The key. There are angels and demons who want it. And I want to take over as the carrier."

"You? You know what you have to do to take it from me, don't you?"

He grinned thinking the weight of that would stop me. But it didn't. I couldn't let it. I knew Cas wouldn't fight me for it. It was the only way to keep it safe. I raised my hands directly in front of me. As I spoke a spear formed in front of my hands. I grabbed it with my right as it swirled around my body. My stance dropped into a fighting stance. This weapon was my brother's. Like my father's sword it was carved with sigils that would allow us to kill other clan members. My father laughed heartily.

"Do you really think you can take me on in battle?" he scoffed.

"I have fought many battles since I left home. I have prepared myself for this day," I said with conviction.

He moved as fast as always. He neared me with blade advancing. The spear flicked into his sword as I sent it away from me. My weapon moved quickly as it landed into his back sending him flying past me. He regained his balance looking rather annoyed with me. He charged again. I took a few steps back. I knew his techniques better than I thought. His body leapt into the air. The sword pointing at me as he crashed toward the ground. I looked up with a grin. My body disappeared from the ground. His sword dug into the ground. Before he could remove it I was behind him.

"Forgive me, father, this has to be done," I said solemnly.

The spear rushed through his back. It pierced true through his heart. It was a gut wrenching sound as his gasped for air. His body fell to the ground. I rolled him over and grabbed the key from him. He stared at me with a sadness in his eyes. What was this expression? Did he actually feel remorse? I spoke the spell that bound the key to me.

"Where did that power come from? How can you move like that?" he groaned.

"I have learned a lot. And a few extra powers were bestowed to me. Father," I said kneeling down, "it was my right to end your life. After everything it was mine to do, no one else's."

"I am proud to have died by your hand. You've grown so much. I am sorry I caused you so much pain."

The look on his faded as he looked up at the sky. His eyes became glassy as he passed on to the next world. My body knelt by his side as I spoke the words that would send him to the next world. A blue light covered his body. He lifted off the ground as he started to fade from this world.

Shattered Memories.  (Castiel x reader) Where stories live. Discover now