Out Of Hell (Into Your Heart)

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My eyes shot open.  Above me stars shimmered in the dark, night sky.  It was cold, much colder than where I had been.  Where had I been?  I felt a heaviness weighing on my chest, but why?  Slowly I sat up.  My head causing the world to feel like it was spinning. I turned and vomited.  The sensation was so strong.  I closed my eyes tightly hoping that would ease this feeling.  Of course it didn't.  It took sometime before the feeling faded.  My body shook from the cold wind blowing against my skin.  There was nothing of note around me.  The ground beneath me was scorched.  Something behind me snapped.  It sounded like a branch.  Honestly I thought it was surprising everything hadn't been turned to ash.

"Hello?" a voice called out, "anyone here?"

Nothing was around as far as I could see.  I hesitated to answer. But what other choice did I have?  It was a chance for me to get somewhere away from this barren land.

"What hell happened here?" another voice asked.

"I have a feeling about it.  I've seen something like it before."

"Really? When?"

"When I was ripped out of hell."

The conversation was unsettling to say the least.  I found a nearby rock that was scorched.  It was still hot.  Although it burned my hand I held onto it.  My body shook as I brought myself to my feet.  Not far away stood two men.  They caught a glimpse of me and stopped in their tracks.  My head tilted.  I felt like there was something familiar, but I could not place it.  My grip on the rock tightened as they carefully walked toward me.

"_____?" one called out to me.

"How do you know my name? Who are you?" I demanded.

"Jeez, ____, it's been long, but not that long," the other said.

"I am Dean, and this is Sam.  Do you remember us?"

I chose not to answer.  I could say yes and lie.  Or I could be honest.  But I just couldn't place them.

"What's wrong with her?" Sam asked.

"Time isn't quite the same down there.  Imagine spending what probably felt like a thousand years locked in a cage with two angels fighting each other," Dean said, "God knows what happened."

"Think Cas can fix her?"

"Who knows.  We should get her out of here though."

"Come on, _____, let's get you home.  Maybe get you some food," Dean bargained.

At that moment a sharp pain rushed through my stomach.  A gurgling noise followed.  It felt like ages since I last ate.  And a shower would be nice.  They could tell I was reluctant to follow them.  Dean walked over and stopped short noting the rock held tightly in my hand.

"Listen, you're probably confused.  You probably feel like it's been years since what happened.  But I can tell you this.  I have been in the same situation as you are now.  We can help you.  It might be hard, but you can trust us."

His eyes softened as he spoke.  He wasn't lying.  His mannerisms changed, like he didn't like talking about that part of his life.  The rock dropped from my hand.  Of course I was scared, of course I couldn't quite remember them, but what other choice did I have?

"Yeah, alright," I answered quietly.

"How 'bout some burgers on the way home?"

"With bacon, right?"

"Is there any other kind?"
He gave a laugh and put his arm around my shoulder.  We walked back to the car.  When I saw it I remembered the first time I saw it.  I recalled how I had met them.  But I swore there was something,  or someone, I was forgetting.  I jumped into the backseat and sat quietly.  Dean and Sam talked amongst themselves.  Occasionally, I would chime in, but there wasn't much for me to add to the conversation.

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