Protecting Hearts.

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Cas followed my instructions when he returned to the physical world.  He found himself in the well where he spoke the next chant. My sleeping body rose to the surface.  The chains fell from my wrists as Cas pulled me from the water. He touched my face as my eyes shot open suddenly.  I gasped for air as I looked around. Cas smiled as he pulled me closer to him.

"Let's go now," I said.

"Yes, the others are probably worried."

I spoke the words to take us from the well.  We appeared above ground as he took us back to the room.  Everyone was awake.  They looked at Cas then to me.  I was sopping wet. My body shivered as I waved my hand.

"We should probably head home now," I said.

"But we just got here," Dean whined.

"She's right.  It is probably best we leave sooner rather than later," Cas said.

"Did something happen?" Sam asked.

"You could say that."

"Well, it was nice to get away even if it was for a night."

Everyone gathered their belongings, and the sword, as we once again readied to go home.  Our hands piled on top of each other's.  Lastly Cas' hand touched ours as we were taken back to Bobby's house.  We looked around and I let out a sigh of relief.  My past would hopefully stay in that forsaken place.  It didn't make sense that my father hated me so much for what I was doing.  I excused myself and walked upstairs.  All I wanted was to take a shower.  While I was upstairs Cas decided to explain why we left in such a rush.  It was too bad.  I would have liked to see more of my home.  But I knew if I took them there it would have been worse.  I started the water before removing my wet clothes.  I stepped under the warm water and basked in the feeling.  The remnant of the bad feeling I had seemingly washed away with the water.  While I was shaving my legs I knicked just above my ankle.

"Ah, dammit," I groaned.

"Are you okay?" Cas asked while shoving the curtain aside.

I covered myself up and hid behind the curtain.  My hand batted at Cas to get away.  He scared the living daylights out of me.

"We need to have a talk about personal space, Cas."

"But you sounded hurt."

"Go wait in the other room."


"Cas, please."

He obliged and walked out of the bathroom like a puppy who was just scolded for doing something wrong. I kind of felt bad. I finished my shower and wrapped a towel around myself.  When I walked back into my room Cas sat there with a pout on his lips.

"Don't give me that look," I said.

"I didn't mean to upset you," he replied.

"Cas, you don't have to rush to me every time I get a small cut or something.  I mean, it's bound to happen.  And in case you forgot," I said letting an aura slip from my finger to the small cut on my leg, "I can heal too."

"I'm sorry.  I worry about you more than anyone else.  I don't understand this feeling or the reasoning behind it.  Not completely.  But I just have to know you're okay."

"Aw, Cas."

I sat down next to him and put my arm around him.  He leaned his body into mine.

"I am glad you were brought into my life.  That war was so horrible.  But you and your smile.  It was always so uplifting.  You are so hopeful.  And,"  he turned a shade of red I couldn't describe if I tried, "when you let me touch your soul.  It was the purest one I have ever felt."

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