Parting Ways.

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After a few minutes Cas returned to the porch.  But I was nowhere to be seen.  Dean had told Sam he was going out for food.  But he didn't return for quite some time.  And no matter how hard he tried, Cas couldn't find my location. Dean's behavior was out of character over the next few days.  Sam and Cas decided to tail him when he made some poor excuse to leave the house.  They borrowed a car from Bobby and followed him.  He drove down the main street until it met with a rarely used dirt road.  Sam shut off the headlights to the car and drove carefully down the road.   Dean looked around before heading into an old house.  Cas sneered immediately sensing the Enochian symbols that woukd keep him from going inside.  Sam told Cas to wait in the car while he went inside.  Cas furrowed his brow.  This was all out of character for Dean.  And though he felt like they were family he didn't know how he would feel if Dean was behind my disappearance.
My eyes were half open.  I was in a daze somewhere in between my consciousness and reality. The door slammed shut behind me.  I couldn't lift my head, but I knew who it was.  Dean clasped his hand around my shoulder.

"Time to get up, sunshine," he chuckled.

"Screw you," I spat.

"Someone get up on the wrong side of the bed?"

"Are you enjoying this? You have already given Crowley my blood, like an idiot.  What's the point in continuing this?"

His fist crashed into my face.  My jaw shifted around before I spat blood on to the floor.  He walked around me for awhile before picking up that blade.  Nothing good was coming from any of this.  It wasn't going to end anytime soon.  But I was wrong.  The knife plunged deep into my chest.  I could feel it rip through muscle and bone.  The wound tore open as I immediately tried to heal myself making the wound worse.  As I thought the pain couldn't get any worse it plunged through my heart.  Warmth poured down my chest.  I couldn't breathe.  My eyes started to close as my mind couldn't even focus on the world around me.  Everything slowed down.  The door slammed open behind me.  I could hear a voice, it was Sam.  Dean and him argued when he saw what had been done to me.  Their argument ended in Sam knocking Dean out.  He could deal with him later.  But he hurried to get me to Cas.

"Hey, hey! ____, hold on," he said with a tone that was overcome with worry.

"Tell Cas," my tiny voice squeaked out, "it's okay."

Sam scooped me up bridal style as my body went limp in his arms.  He hurried outside.  The door slammed open.  Cas turned his head noticing me in Sam's arms.  Right away he knew there was no life within my body.  His heart felt a pain like nothing he felt before.

"No," he whispered, his voice didn't even reach Sam.

"Cas, I’m sorry," Sam apologized while laying me on the grass.

He just stared at my lifeless body.  There were no words to express what he was feeling.  Just from the look anyone could tell I had not died peacefully, or quickly for that matter.  His hand shook before kneeling down and grabbing my hand.  My skin was still warm.  He hoped that he could bring me back, but it wasn't working.  His hand pressed against my face.

"Just bring her back, Cas," Sam pleaded.

"I'm trying," he snarled.

"Why isn't she coming back?"

"Because I made it that way," Dean said as he walked out of the house, "she was lying to us. She killed you, Sam.  Why are you looking at me like I'm the crazy one?"

"Dean," Cas said through gritted teeth, "what the hell did you do?"

He stood up and rushed to Dean.  His hand gripped his shirt tightly and shoved him into the side of the house.  His hands tightened on the cloth before shoving him against the wall.  Every fiber of his being yearned to rip Dean apart.  But he couldn't.  He walked past Sam, who put his hand on Cas' shoulder.

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