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It was only a moment.  Just a quick rest of the eyes.  My body was exhausted I thought it would be okay.  The next thing I know my hands are beating on the door and walls of the room.  My voice screamed out.  I paused hearing footsteps heading down the stairs. My back turned to the door as I shook where I stood.  The door clicked while a smile inched across my lips.  The door squeaked open as I stood still.

"____, are you doing alright?" Sam asked.

"My head...hurts," my voice said.

"You want some aspirin?"

"Not really.  I think it's time I get out of here."

My hand waved as the door shut behind him.  He looked at the door and tried to push it open.  His voice called to the others.  They rushed downstairs to find the door latched shut.  Dean peered in.  His green eyes met with the whites of my own. As I held Sam's arm behind his back.

"Don't you touch a hair on his head," Dean said.

"I promise I won't touch his hair."

My hand jerked suddenly popping his shoulder out of place.  Dean slammed his fist against the door.  I shoved Sam forward as he slammed face first into the wall.  He fell backward as blood ran down his face.  I gave a smirk at Dean who had a look of wanting to kill me.  I grabbed the knife attached to to his hip and lifted his head off the ground.  The knife pressed against his neck as Dean yelled obscenities towards me.

"I don't think you're in any position to talk to me like that," my voice laughed, "the knife might slip if you distract me."

"I swear to God I will kill you," Dean spat.

"Oh, that's cute.  Isn't it cute, Sammy?"

"Shut up," Sam groaned.

"What a bunch of party poopers," I sighed while dragging the knife down his arm.

Sam screamed as blood flowed down his arm. Dean would have slammed the door open if he could.  My finger dipped into the wound as I started drawing a symbol on the ground.  An old tune echoed through the room as I hummed.  Bobby and Dean were trying to find a way in.

"It's been nice, but I think it's time to shed this body. I have a date to keep with an old friend," I said.

They could do nothing but watch as I started to speak another language.  Darkness seeped from my body.  Almost like that of a demonic cloud. It dripped from the poes of my body.   The pain was excruciating as the Caoranach started to rip out of my body.  I wanted to stop this.  My hand raised as Sam lifted off the ground.  He started gasping for air as I grinned, still speaking as everything swirled around me.  My body was not going to make it through this.  Sam's eyes were rolling back.  I wanted to stop this.  The door suddenly flung open.  Sending Bobby and Dean barreling into the room.  They knocked me on the ground, Dean landed a few hits on my face before a familiar figure appeared before me.  Castiel was walking into the room.

"You were right.  You stupid, stupid woman," Cas said.

"Aw, Cassie finally figured it out?" I laughed, "a bit too late though, wouldn't you say?"

"I think it's at just the right time."

A familiar blade, the one we retrieved from the bottom of the well,  was in his hand.  I could feel the fear of the Caoranach.  It was greater than anything I had ever felt in my life.  The sword plunged through the amulet shattering it completely.  I could feel the Caoranach writhing within my body.  They held on tightly as I screamed out.

Shattered Memories.  (Castiel x reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora