CourtneyXShayne New part Plus News

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Y'all are loving short and simple Shartney aren't you? Just know that I'll make these whenever I'm having trouble writing the other longer ones. The next short and simple one might be Iancorn because that's the bae. Any requests for a short and simple filler please put 'em here.
Chapter titled: Boop.

I used to hate her. From my every ounce of blood. I hated her. It's not like I went up to her or anything, I just used to think in my mind, I hate her.
It's funny because I had never met her before. I just figured, okay, I need to hate her. I don't know why too. I just felt it. I just felt like I needed to convince myself of these thoughts in order to breathe. In order to continue living.
This lasted about the first week that Courtney and I signed with Smosh. We hadn't talked very much because we were just getting settled and introduced around to work. That and the fact that Smosh Summer Games was coming up.
I didn't know my mindset at the time. It was just this feeling of 'okay, I don't like her'. It was just something that the back of my mind created.

I'm glad it didn't hold her back however. I'm glad she didn't see any hatred in my eyes or the anger in my body language.

One day, Courtney Miller came up to me. I was too frozen with this irrational hatred to do anything. Courtney came up close enough and smiled.

She fucking bopped my nose. Like a child.
Boop. Then she started to laugh because I didn't do anything but stare confused. My anger was replaced with pure thoughts of 'what just happened?'
"Hey Shayne, I think we should go out," Courtney said casually. Like she didn't just boop my nose. My anger had dissipated. I didn't know how to react or respond or how to do anything anymore. I wasn't thinking 'I don't and should not under any circumstances like this girl' anymore, her question and her actions left me stunned.
She looked at me, like I was holding time back from moving forward.
"Uhh, umm," I struggled. I looked at Courtney in her eyes, trying to find something inside of me to answer. Courtney started to smile, seeing how much I was taken aback and struggling. "O-Okay."
I bit my lip, as my heartbeat sped up. The air that I started to breathe after that moment tasted better. It felt easier to breathe as well. The colour in my vision became clear and saturated. However my hearing seemed to go. The only thing I heard was Courtney's lip curl into a much bigger smile. I could only hear Courtney's eyes blink and stare back into mine. Then the most beautiful noise came about.
In that moment I've never known the hatred I once felt for this girl. In that moment I felt like I had a million dollars waiting in my pocket and a mansion to get home to. It felt like pressure built up in my chest like a bubble over my heart and it just continued to thump.
I stared into her eyes for just a few seconds. Just a few seconds, and my life had emotionally changed. I felt like I didn't know what hate was. It felt like the four letters in my mind got erased permanently.
The bubble in my chest grew bigger as Courtney and I exchanged plans.
"Okay, I'll see you then," I said, my words airy. Courtney nodded, and finally walked off. The bubble in my chest seemed to burst when Courtney left my vision. My breathing slowed later, as did my heartbeat. However the image of her smile when I said Okay didn't leave.

"So why did you want to go out with me?" I asked. Courtney sat across from me at a small table. Some tables around had been empty but still, there was a light chatter of others in this restaurant.
The question had been eating at me all day. I was really curious. Courtney chuckled at me for a few moments. As much as I liked to hear her laugh, I really wanted to hear her answer.
"Because I wanted to get to know you more," she said, shrugging her shoulders. I nodded slowly.
"That and the fact that I think you're really cool," she added sheepishly. I broke out in a smile that I knew would keep me up for ages.

I wanted to talk to her for much longer than the restaurant would be open. I just felt this connection. I felt this connection to Courtney Miller.
We just spoke. We spoke of many things. And then when the place closed, we just walked together, and kept talking.
God it was this marvellous feeling. Seem there I go. I'd never use the word marvellous. It just felt right for the sentence. That and beautiful and delightful and wonderful and amazing and awesome. More importantly, perfect. This perfect feeling that enveloped me and everything in my thoughts.
This was just from talking to her.

"I really think we should do this again," I said. We made it back to my car and I dropped her off. I couldn't help but bring her to her doorstep.
Courtney smiled wholeheartedly.
"Of course. It was...Fun," she agreed. I let the dark sky and brisk air intrude my thoughts for a few moments.
And then we kissed. We kissed a small, soft kiss. It didn't feel like electricity flew through my body though. It wasn't like that at all. It felt like, I was finally where I was supposed to be however. I felt complete. More than anything, I couldn't wait to go out with her again. I couldn't wait to talk to her some more. I just couldn't wait.

Before I left,

She booped my nose again. Like the first time, I was stunned to confusion. She shut her door, leaving me with the most beautiful sound. She laughed at my reaction.

Just so you know, I made this chapter modelled after this weird, irrational hate on this one person that I've felt before. So like there is no moral. I've also read this book called The Fuck Up. It's a boyXboy by youngauthor531. Just thought I'd tell you that. In case you also have this irrational hate for someone. Spread love though.
Hey yo! It's the author here. But like, who else would it be? Anyway, let's fill you in!
First things first, the MariXSohinki is coming, only I lost my motives for that real quick but I'm too far in to delete and start again. Mainly because I feel like I'll work on a nice big juicy chapter for you. Than for the big ships among Smosh, I'll make those little chapters like this one in between the big ones. If I get a request for big ships than yeah, those'll be the big chapters. Anyway, yeah the MariXSohinki is coming.
Secondly, I want to talk about my recent announcements. My Shartney book is complete. It's called A Short Ride. That's 24 chapters I believe. I'm not posting it until I finish my Courtivia book just so that you can have two updates per week because that's how I'll be posting them instead of one big update. Just because the Shartney book was made to be posted one at a time to keep you on edge.
Thirdly, notice how I didn't mention my Cohinki book in the last paragraph? I have some news. I realized how stupid I made the plot out to be. I could've made it all smooth going but I've klunked up the plot and now I'm feeling a full abolishment to writing it. In fact, I've felt icky about writing as a whole because it, that's why I don't post much. Let me tell you about it. So the story goes (I mention this in the first chapter, I ain't spoiling I hope) is that Courtney wakes up in a place she doesn't know. She has a child, that she doesn't know at all. That's where the klunk comes in. I could've made everything smooth had I put Sohinki in the front lines except for Courtney, but as I started I was just excited to put Courtney that I wasn't thinking. I'm like 15 chapters in already so it's going to be tough rewriting it all just to switch the characters around. I'm not going to do that. Instead I'll put my BS reason where I need to and just continue. However I promise you'll love Courtney and Sohinki's son. 😀.
Fourthly, when I finish the Shartney and Courtivia book, I might start a new one to post along with the Cohinki. Maybe that's what I'll do in the coming up year. I'll work on two projects at a time and then post and whatever whatever.
Also news for the Facility, it might become a saga or something. I don't think I used that term right but there could be a fourth book. WHAT? Exactly.
Fifthly, nice, fifthly, I'm putting Smosh Means Death on hold until I finish my Courtivia book and when I finish a few more chapters because I feel comfortable knowing I still have stuff to post even when I struggle to write
Long A/N I'm sorry but I'm not going to post a whole chapter dedicated to messages from me to you. If you follow me, you'll get my updates when I make the public messages on my wall so I'm going to get into posting my 'what's going on with SmoshFanfics?' But yeah, do what you will.
And finally, the most important bit of all...
What's Mari and Courtney's Ship Name?
Is it martney or Marney? Or Cori or Courtri? I just wanna know what you think so I can refer to it as whatever. Thanks for reading and stuffs are coming up. Have a great time of day!

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