AnthonyXOlivia New Part!

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Hey everyone! Got a request for this one so I hope you enjoy it! For this chapter, I added a character that plays Olivia's fictional uncle, only I didn't know what to call him as I do not know if Olivia has an uncle, also I do not know his name. Like I did for my Courtivia book (shameless promotion) I went to a name generator and used the first one that popped up. I hope it doesn't bother but it doesn't take away from the plot. Thanks for reading!
This chapter is called 'What happens in May is for us'.

"Olivia, he's piss drunk again," Anthony whispered. He was kneeling against his shared bed with Olivia that was pushed against the thin wall. Olivia blinked awake. It sort of pained Anthony because it was still late at night, and he shouldn't be worrying his girlfriend about shit like this.
It was worrying Anthony though. The couple stayed with Olivia's uncle, and recently, Anthony noticed that he's been drunk a lot more. He had a guess that maybe he was let go off his job. Which is bad on Anthony and Olivia's ends, because he pays the other half of the apartment bill.
The crucial other part that Anthony and Olivia were struggling to pay.
If he can't pay, neither can the couple and then they're out of a place to live.
"Is he? Do you want me to and-" Olivia started to say in a light voice.
"No I'll talk to him, I just wanted to let you know. Goodnight Liv," Anthony smiled to her.
Anthony turned down the tv in their room and took a breath before leaving the room. Olivia's uncle, wasn't in his room, except inside the living room just outside.
Their apartment altogether was rectangular. The kitchen and dining room beside the door, connected to the living room, then two rooms and the main bathroom.
Anthony shut the door behind him and walked past her almost sleeping uncle. He took the liberty of cleaning a little, hoping Olivia would fall asleep and not hear any yelling if her uncle resorts to that. He usually does with Anthony.
"Uncle Mel?" Anthony called lightly. He kneeled in front of the couch, towards Uncle Mel as he sat back with a beer can at his feet, trying to sleep to the tv. Anthony had already turned it down.
"Huh? What is it?" He asked, already up and alert. His scratchy voice sort of gave Anthony a sense of insecurity in this apartment.
"Can you move to your room? Just so in the morning, we can get by without bugging you," Anthony explained lightly. He combed through his hair quickly with his right hand, to which Uncle Mel scoffed.
"Alright...just don't want to see me is that it?" Mel muttered under his breath. Anthony couldn't say anything about it, so he sighed it off. Mel grabbed sort of kicked the can by his feet, which was almost empty, but full just enough to started leaking out. Anthony was surprised at the sudden gesture and starting to frantically get a towel or something to clean the mess. It made, mean, old Uncle Mel laugh. Anthony running around didn't stop Mel from grabbing another can from the refrigerator.

Anthony was kneeled right in front of the couch, his hand over his eyes as the only light was coming from the oven light on the other side of the room. The towel was over the puddle, not big enough for all of the liquid.
Anthony was tired. Mel didn't care about that. And Anthony didn't want to worry Olivia, because right now, the new month is almost here. May, and the couple and Mel pay at the top of every month.
Anthony and Olivia were right now, struggling to come up with the right amount of money.

Anthony had gotten just a few hours of sleep that night after he got into bed and cuddled Olivia's side. Their blaring alarm brought an end to Anthony's favourite hours of the day. The calmest hours of the day.
"Good morning," Olivia smiled to Anthony. He smiled back.
"Good morning Liv. I got just a few hours of sleep, are you okay?"
"I'm fine. I want you to go to bed earlier tonight."
"Uncle Mel...Olivia I think he got fired-"
"Anthony you need to stop worrying-"
"No he's here a lot more than he used to. He's here when we leave and he's still here when we get back. He used to get here about half an hour after we did." Anthony explained.
"Remember he lost his friend a while ago? Maybe that's who he went to see after work," Olivia replied back. Anthony looked deeply into her eyes.
"Olivia you have to stop defending him."
"Go jump in the shower, I'll make breakfast," Olivia dropped the subject.

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