Camera flashes blinded me as I stepped out of the car. Squinting i looked along the red carpet, trying to find familiar faces. "Miss, please follow me" Louisa smiled, ushering me along the red carpet. I let out a sigh of relief as we made our way inside, my mouth dropping open. "Louisa, why is my face everywhere?" I asked, looking around at the pictures that hung around the room. "Louisa what is happening right now?" I turned to look at her, but she had disappeared into the crowd. "Great" I mumbled, shaking my head. I looked around at the crowd, all eyes seemed to be on me. I gave everyone a small nod, making my way through the crowd.

"Chels" I turned around, a smiling growing on my face. "Brooklyn, what are you doing here?" I pulled my little cousin in for a hug, giving his chin a small squeeze as we pulled apart. "You didn't think we'd miss your birthday ball did you?" He smiled, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Birthday ball?" I looked at him confused, shaking my head slightly. "You getting that old that you forgot your own birthday?" He chuckled at me, nudging me slightly. "No, you turd. I remember its my birthday, tomorrow, but why is there a ball for it?" I gave him a light punch, looking around slightly. "I don't know. Louis had just called dad and told us to be here. We couldn't say no, so here we are" He smiled at me. "Louis did this?" I asked, tilting my head at him slightly.

"Yo, that is one bomb ass dress. Is that a fucking snake?" I spun around, Harry and Liam standing behind me. "Chels you look gorgeous" Harry smiled, grabbing my hand and spinning me around. "Thank you" I smiled back, pulling my hair back over my shoulders. "So what do you think?" Liam smiled, motioning around the room. "It's beautiful, but why?" I looked at them both, pulling my phone out of my clutch. "Because you deserve it" Liam slightly, shrugged, "Now go have some fun" he nudged me towards the dance floor. "Wait, where's Louis?" Both the boys shrugged, "After we got our suits, he said that he needed to get something, so he left and said he'd meet us here" Liam said, looking at me with a small smile, "But we have yet to see him".

The party had been going for an or two now and i still hadn't found Louis. I had mingled with a lot of people who had all flown to Paris to celebrate my birthday with me. I let out a small sigh, making my way outside for some fresh air. I sat down on the carpeted step. "Hey there beautiful" I looked up Louis stood on the steps in front of me, his hands in his pockets. "You look gorgeous" He smiled, sitting on the step beside me. "You don't look too bad yourself" I smiled, "where have you been" I tilted my head at him. "I had to organize something for your birthday tomorrow" He smirked, looking down at his feet. "Louis. You threw me a ball. A fucking ball Louis. You don't need to do anything else for me" I hooked my arm in his, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Well. It technically is my turn to plan the date, so" He smirked, leaning his head on top of mine.

"Shall we return to the ball, princess?" Louis stood up, holding his hand out for me. I nodded, grabbing his hand, interlocking our fingers. We made our way back into the ball, I started walking over to the other boys, but Louis pulled me towards the dance floor. He spun me around, placing his hand on the small of my back, holding my other tight in his. "Smooth, Tomlinson" I giggled, shaking my head, placing my hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for tonight Lou. It really means a lot to me" I half smiled, resting my head against his chest. He placed a soft kiss on the top of my head, holding me tighter.

The next day i woke up to balloons all over the ceiling. I rubbed my eyes, sitting up confused. "Happy birthday" The boys all yelled, jumping up from the floor. I let out a slight scream, pulling the covers over my face. "I hate you" I half yelled, peering over the covers at the boys. "You scared the crap out of me" I picked up a pillow, throwing it at the boys as they laughed their heads off. "Boo you" I frowned, pushing myself up to a sitting position, bursting out laughing as they all put on puppy dog faces. "How did you do this? I am like the lightest sleeper ever" I motioned towards the balloons. "We did it last night before you came home. Honestly im surprised you didn't know" Harry shrugged slightly, the boys nodding.

"So Mr Tomlinson, what is the plan for today?" I asked, smiling at him. "Well, before your concert tonight, i thought we would would have lunch. In the Eiffel tower" He smirked at me, letting out a small chuckle as my mouth dropped open. "Shut up. Your lying" I shook my head at him. "I organised it all last night" He smiled, standing up from the bed. "Louis. You shouldn't have. You've already done so much" I stood up, wrapping my arms around his waist, my head against his chest. "But you deserve it" He whispered ever so softly, leaving a light kiss on the top of my head.

"Holy shit" I let out a gasp, walking out onto the top deck of the Eiffel tower. I walked to the edge of the railing, peering down at the city below. "Louis. This is amazing" I turned to him, he had a huge grin on his face. "But where is everyone else?" I asked, looking around as there was no one else with us on the tower. "I may have convinced them to shut it for an hour or two so we could be alone" He shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Are you serious?" A smile grew on my face, my hand on my heart as he nodded, shrugging once more. "Louis" I half whispered, making my way over to him. I looked up at him, my hands gripping his jacket, "This is the best birthday ever. Thank you".

"Okay. So now that we've had lunch, there's one more thing" Louis smiled a sheepish grin, his hands behind his back. "There's more? Louis. This is too much" I shook my head, grinning. "There is never ever too much for you" He brought his hands from behind his back, holding a long thin box. "Louis" I looked at him, taking the box from his hands. I slowly opened the box, a thin rose gold bracelet lay inside, with a tiny Eiffel tower hanging from the middle. "Louis. Its beautiful" I smiled, taking it from the box. "So you'll always remember the birthday you had in Paris." Louis softly whispered as he helped me put the bracelet on. I looked up at him, placing my hands gentle on each side of his face. "Louis. You have made this one of the most unforgettable birthdays ever." I smiled. Without thinking, I leaned forward, my fingers tangling in his hair, closing my eyes as our lips smashed together. He smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer. Best. Birthday. Ever.

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